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    Book 1 of The Seth Material. Sessions 1-42 11/26/63–4/8/64

    Expansion of spirit allows physical organism to expand, releases pressures.

    Neither of you have a need for children in your present personalities.
    You are almost finished with incarnations on the earth, so much so that the physical bodies will return completely and unfragmented upon your physical death. This is always the case in the final earth life. The physical property is left behind, no portion of it being carried on that plane through children. You are able to think in terms of immortality through your work, rather than through physical offspring, simply because your entity has known itself in terms of the flesh. Therefore you are no longer bound or drawn to it in that fashion.

    An excess of male lives will turn a personality sour in a feminine manner,
    without the inner understanding and compassion that is usually associated with the female sex. In like manner consistent female personalities will turn harsh without the inner strength usually associated with the male sex. For this reason most entities live lives as male and female. The seeming dominance of the male in earthkind is merely because the aggressiveness of male personalities makes itself known quicker, and often with a vehemence. The basis however is very strongly female, since without the giving quality the aggressiveness would be but a stationary closed fist, incapable of motion and incapable of unfolding into other lives, as it must. The aggressiveness is a thrust for life and action against inertia, but without the acquiescence of the female quality, life would not open.

    A mental enclosure
    divides itself in two, splits up, divides, multiplies, acts upon its own various parts, and this produces a material manifestation. The material is material, and yet it is mentally produced. Your plane is really composed of solidified thought. The mental enzymes within the enclosure are the elements that set off the action and—listen closely—are also the action itself. In other words the mental enzymes not only produce action in the material world but become the action.

    Emotion and feeling are the same.

    Survival on a particular plane depends upon your concentration in that plane. Again, when survival is more or less satisfied by attention then you can avail yourself of the opportunity to turn your attention elsewhere.

    Oswald was always a personality fragment, as all psychopaths are.
    As fragments of a personality break off in the manner that I explained for schizophrenics, so in some cases part of an entity reincarnates before it should, does not carry its full mental gene blueprint, and therefore causes trouble and confusion. It is as though one of the wild images of a nightmare emerged with full physical power into the world of the day. Such people realize their deficiency, yet conversely because they do have a distorted but seemingly dominant “I” they are only all the more furious and confused. There is no basic unifying factor to give them consistency, and no unifying subconscious memories to give them true inner identity. This is one of the main reasons why they strike out at strongly integrated personalities, and why it is so easy for them to be catapulted by raw emotion into tragedies of this sort.

    represent only possibilities of disintegrations that rarely occur in actuality. They are usually not messages as most dreams are from past personalities to the present personality, though they may be messages from the primary personality to itself, as notice of fear or panic that may exist directly beneath the strata of the primary personality. Beneath this you will find the succeeding layers that have to do with personal reincarnations. Beneath this you will find material dealing with the race as a whole, and as Jane supposed even layers dealing with the prehuman state. The entity is the sum of these layers, having all of this knowledge at conscious command at all times. Yet though I speak of them as one beneath the other they are not actually so, and I speak only for convenience. They are in all places, intertwined with paths leading from one to the other and with the echo of the entity’s voice resounding through each interconnecting corridor.

    You are yourselves aware of other planes to some degree,
    and to some degree you can communicate with them as you communicate with your cat. Imagination allows you to enter into these planes, as when you imagine what another animal’s life would be. It is true that man is physically an animal and that a cat is an animal. Nevertheless the differences amount to a difference in plane, though they are not actually different enough, and so the various existences do manage to coexist. You cannot of course experience the cat’s sense of time, but you can come closer to understanding his sense of time than he could ever come in understanding yours.

    The main mental enzymes
    create senses on the physical plane in order that they may be recognized and appreciated by the physical being. The mental enzymes are the same basically throughout the universe, but their materializations on a particular plane are determined by the properties inherent in the plane itself. The quality called light on this plane could just as well appear as sound in another, and for that matter even on this plane light can be changed into sound and sound into light.
    It is always interaction which is important. Even the mental enzymes themselves are interchangeable as far as the principle behind them is concerned, though for practical purposes they maintain separate and distinct qualities in their materializations in one plane. That is why it is possible for some human beings to experience sound as color, or to see color in sound. Granted this is not characteristic experience, but if the mental enzymes were not interchangeable in principle, then this experience would not be possible for any. Light would never be heard for example, sound would never be seen. Nor is color usually heard, nor sound usually seen.
    Mental enzymes allow the solidified vitality to change its form. The inner senses are actually the channels through which the entire composition of any particular plane is appreciated and actually maintained. It is through the inner senses that the mental enzymes are enabled to act upon the vitality which is, as I have said, the structure of the universe itself. The inner senses in other words are the means, the mental enzymes are the tools, and the vitality is the actual material that forms the universe as a whole, the apparent divisions within it, the apparent boundaries of the various divisions, and the diverse materials within each division. Again, the different materials within each division are only camouflages formed by the inner senses upon the material itself.

    Your own subconscious is the fountain of your individuality and personality.
    From it springs your talent. When the ego becomes too concerned with daily matters, with worry in other words, then the works of the tool become clogged. It becomes ineffective. Dissociation, and I will give you many ways of achieving it, unclogs the tool and is absolutely necessary. The freely working subconscious, or the inner you, is completely capable of taking care of all practical considerations, and will use the ego as a tool to see that this is done. Dissociation puts the power back where it belongs.

    The viruses and infections were of course present.
    They always are. They are themselves fragments, struggling small fragments without intention of harm. You have general immunity, believe it or not, to all such viruses and infections. Ideally you can inhabit a plane with them without fear. It is only when you give tacit agreement that harm is inflicted upon you by these fragments. To some degree, lesser, dependent lives such as household pets are dependent upon your psychic strength. They have their own, it is true, but unknowingly you reinforce their energy and health.
    When your own personalities are more or less in balance you have no trouble at all in looking out for these creatures, and actually reinforcing their own existence with residues of your creative and sympathetic powers. In times of psychological stress or crisis, quite unwittingly you withhold this strong reinforcement. I would like to make clear, of course, that animals certainly do have energy to maintain their own health, but this is strongly reinforced as a rule by the vitality of human beings to whom the animals are emotionally attached.

    Visible or invisible to you, each fragment of the universe has a consciousness of its own.
    Pain and pleasure, the strongest aspects of all consciousness, are experienced strongly by every fragment, according to its degree. Differentiation is of course various, and it is in the degree of differentiation that consciousness is different. In some fragments such as much plant life and vegetative life there is strong use of certain inner senses. A tree knows a human being also. Not only for example by the weight of a boy upon its branches, but by the vibrations in the air as adults pass, which hit the tree’s trunk at varying distances, and even by such things as voices. As your body senses temperature changes so it also senses the psychic charge not only of other human beings but also, believe it or not, of animals, and to a lesser extent it senses the psychic charge of plants and vegetative matter. Your tree builds up a composite of sensations of this sort, sensing not the physical dimensions of a material object, whatever it is, but the vital psychic formation within and about it.

    Explore places that appear empty, for they are full.
    Look between events. What you see clearly with your outer senses is camouflage. I am not suggesting that you take everything on faith, nothing of the sort. I am saying that what seems vacant lacks camouflage, and therefore if this is explored it will yield evidence. Effects would seem to be evidence, and therefore when you probe into seemingly empty spaces you will receive effects which will be evidence. No one has seen wind but since at times its effects are so observable it would be idiocy to say that wind did not exist. Therefore you will come up against the basic stuff of the universe and feel its effects, though your outer senses will not necessarily perceive it.

    Scientists realize
    that the atmosphere of the earth is a distortion, or has a distorting effect upon their instruments. What they do not understand is that their instruments themselves are bound to be distortive. This cannot be emphasized too strongly. Any material physical instrument will have built-in distortive effects. The one instrument which is more important than any other and which has given you, that is mankind, all its breakthroughs and advance is the brain. Or rather the mind which contains the brain, and which is the meeting place of the inner and outer senses.
    Parts of the mind are almost completely undistorted. The mind is distributed throughout the whole physical body. The mind builds up about it the physical camouflages necessary for existence on your physical plane. The mind receives data from the inner senses and forms the camouflage necessary. The mind unconsciously or unselfconsciously deals with the basic laws according to the camouflage effect that is vital for survival on your physical plane. The mind is the tool which must be used. The brain deals exclusively with camouflage patterns, transforming vitality into physical environmental camouflage patterns. The mind deals with basic principles inherent on all planes. The brain is itself part of the camouflage pattern, and can be interpreted and probed by physical instruments. The mind cannot be probed by physical instruments. It cannot even be found by physical instruments. The mind is the connective. It is here that the secrets of the universe will be discovered, and the mind itself is the tool of discovery. The brain is of your plane. You may say that the brain is the mind in camouflage. Imagination belongs to the mind. It can be used by and is used by the brain for purposes of survival, and can sometimes be probed by physical instruments. That is physical instruments can be made to make the imagination move on occasion. But imagination is a property of mind, not brain, and no physical tool can force the imagination to conceive of an original conception or idea.

    Mental enzymes transform vitality into the particular camouflage patterns. Mental enzymes as I have said have a chemical reaction on your planet. This explains the reason why a chemical imbalance in a physical body will also show itself as a corresponding distortion of sensual data. That is, when the chemical balance is disturbed the physical world will appear to have changed. The subconscious is a property of the mind, and is to a strong degree independent of camouflage. Part of the subconscious for example deals with camouflage, but the deeper portions are in direct contact with the basic vitality of the universe. Material which comes from the so-called subconscious comes from that part of the mind which knows no boundaries, either of time or space, and in a deeper sense knows no boundaries of species or planes in any manner. The simple fact is that you are using this portion of the mind as a tool. Exercising the brain exercises the mind also, but the mind has abilities of which the brain is ignorant.

    As a rule each entity is born so that he experiences at least three roles, that of mother, father and child.
    I make three roles rather than two because a complete childhood, for example at least once, is usually necessary so that a personality can experience the knowledge of human growth. Of course two lives would be sufficient to give you the three roles, but in some cases a personality does not function into adulthood, and therefore does not experience motherhood or fatherhood. Also for one reason or another a personality may not have offspring. Beside the three necessary roles there is another quality, different in dimension, which is also necessary for the personality, and this involves the fullest use of potential. Lack of this last factor can cause a personality to be reborn more times on your plane than would be necessary if only the role requirement operated. This requirement for fullest use of capabilities has nothing to do with opportunity in the social sense, although of course the particular social framework will have much to do with the particular development of certain abilities. The personality when it leaves your plane for good will have developed its potentials as far as it possibly can. This does not mean that all personalities who have left your plane are at the same level. Since their potential has individual variety, it depends a good deal upon the personality’s ability to utilize energy as a unit, or to transform energy into unit patterns. The ability to do this is not predestined in any way, shape or manner, but it seems to be inherent, unpredictable; but one of the basic characteristics of any given fragment.
    Everyone who has left your plane has developed as far as he can on your plane. But as in your life certain environments tend to encourage some people in the realization of their talents, and seem to hinder others in the development of their peculiar talents, so some personalities expand in their capabilities on your plane; and some who do rather poorly on your plane expand surprisingly on other planes.

    This talent for using energy to form unit patterns is elemental,
    not only on your plane but in all other planes. It involves drawing upon the basic vitality of the universe in using the inner senses, and actually pulling to oneself more and more of this underlaying vitality. In the first place this vitality is self-generating and limitless, and we shall go into origins, reasons and so forth all in due time. Nevertheless as you do not deprive another of breath as you breathe, so you do not deprive another of the vitality of the universe simply by the act of using it yourself. As air is dispelled from the lungs in various forms and used and reused without any loss of power, strength or quantity, so is the vitality of which we speak used in different manners. So does it enter as one thing many times, and so does it emerge as something different many times; and so does it change shape and content, and so does it show many faces and yet never disappears. And as air seems invisible so does this vitality seem invisible, and yet like air this vitality gives shape to every object that you see, and so does it form every camouflage. Without it all camouflage would vanish. And so the ability to use this vitality well is as necessary to life as is the necessity to use air for breathing.

    In sleep the conscious becomes actually the subconscious
    and the subconscious, in the most real manner, becomes conscious. Every man instinctively knows this simple fact, and yet every man stubbornly refuses to admit it. The part of you who dreams is the “I” as much as the part of you that operates in any other manner. The part of you who dreams is the part of you who breathes. And this part is certainly as legitimate and actually more necessary to you as a whole unit, as far as survival on your physical plane is concerned, than the part that also plays bridge or Scrabble. It would seem ludicrous to suppose that such a vital matter as breathing would be left to a subordinate and almost completely divorced poor-relative sort of a lesser personality.
    You form the camouflage world of appearances with the same part of you that breathes. You do not admit the breather as really being a part of yourselves, nor do you admit the creator of the camouflaged physical world as being part of yourselves. When you cross a room you are forced to admit that you have caused yourself to cross the room, even though consciously you have no idea of willing the muscles to move or of stimulating one muscle or another; and yet even there, though you admit these things, you do not believe them. How much easier it would be to admit freely and wholeheartedly the simple fact that you are not consciously aware of important vital parts of yourself, and that you are more than you know you are. But since it is so difficult for man to even recognize the self that moves his own muscles and breathes his own breath, then I suppose it should not be startling that he cannot realize that this whole self also forms the camouflage world of physical appearance, in almost the same manner that he forms a pattern with his breath upon a glass pane.

    Energy is received by the mind through the inner senses and transformed by use of mental enzymes into camouflage patterns.
    There is no reason why mankind cannot be aware of this transformation, if once he admits into existence the whole self which makes this possible. As I mentioned earlier the process of breathing seems automatic, and yet some part of you is aware of the most minute portions of air that inflate the lungs. You, or the part of you that you are pleased to call yourself, refuse to admit as part of yourself the “I” that is aware of every breath you breathe, every move you make, and every dream that you dream. In other words breathing and dreaming are not automatic, nor do they operate without your knowledge. Mankind simply refuses to admit the breather and the dreamer. In many cases he refuses to admit the mover. He trusts himself much more when he says “I will read,” and then he reads, than he does when he says “I will see,” and then he sees. He remembers having learned consciously to read, but he does not remember consciously having learned to see. And what he cannot remember consciously he fears, and what he fears he simply denies existence to.
    The fact is, he sees although no one taught him how to see. And the part of himself that did teach him to see still guides his movements, still moves the muscles of his eyes, still becomes conscious despite him when he sleeps, still breathes for him without thanks, without recognition, and still carries on his task of transforming energy from an inner reality to an outer camouflage. He becomes trapped by his own artificially-divided self. He looks for gods, anything at all, to explain perfectly natural functions that belong to him. But there is no reason why you must be blind to the whole self of your present personality, which is part of your entity, and which can be glimpsed on your plane in terms of the breathing and dreaming self of which I have spoken.

    Time is one of your most obvious camouflages,
    and the study of time will lead you in a fairly direct manner from the camouflaged physical self to the inner self, which you ignore. Psychological time so-called belongs to the inner self, that is to the mind. It is however a connective, a portion of one of the inner senses, which we will call for convenience the second inner sense. Outer physical time is a complete camouflage, unnecessary basically on your plane; but you have made it seem necessary because of your refusal to admit the inner self as part of your whole personality, and therefore you have not been able to utilize psychological time to its fullest advantage on your plane. This is one of the reasons why breathing seems automatic, and why dreaming seems to confound your physical camouflage idea of time. It is perfectly within your present capabilities to understand that time, to your dreaming self, is very much like time to your waking inner self. But you must first disconnect the physical concept of time and watches.

    The intellect
    is extremely important in the manipulation of camouflage patterns once they are created.

    It is extremely difficult to relate data received by the inner senses into data that will be picked up by the outer senses. Again, at best you get something like a mirror image which must be deciphered. This is rather difficult to get across to you. However, data received by the inner senses will have its own discernible impact upon the personality receiving it, and this impact is as strong as any impact caused by camouflage stimuli.
    The fact is that when you insist upon evidence through the outside, regularly accepted senses, that you almost automatically turn off the inner sense apparatus. This is not necessary. Man to a large degree has set up this habit reaction. It is not a natural habit reaction. You must take the inner data at its face value, and this is what you will not do. Once you take this first step of spontaneity, you will actually receive evidence that even your conscious mind will be forced to accept. But the first step of such willingness must be made.

    If you once allow yourself to freely receive inner data in a spontaneous noncritical manner, you will see that this data is as legitimate, valid and varied, and as powerful as any outside stimuli. But to insist upon translating this data into channels that can first be picked up by the outer senses, and then expecting undistorted strong data, is asking the impossible. Data received by the inner senses is as vivid, and in fact more vivid, than any other data you will ever receive, and the ironic part of the whole matter is that you actually receive this inner data constantly. You utilize it constantly and yet consciously you will not accept its existence.

    As these inner senses become more and more a part of your plane they take on more of the characteristics of your plane, and therefore more of the characteristics of the whole self on that plane. At the furthest end they become the emotions, and these emotions therefore are also a connective. The emotions, while connected to the ego strongly, nevertheless also belong to what we have been pleased to call the subconscious. But because they are so intertwined with the inner life they are also common to both the ego and the so-called subconscious. They are in some respects evolutionary developments, being the end portions of the inner senses transformed to some degree, to permit manipulation of camouflage pattern. Before the conscious ego evolved, emotion served well as necessary stimuli to action in the camouflage environment. If you follow them backwards as it were, they will lead you to the inner senses as such, while being at the same time the same thing.

    You know then that you yourselves create your universe
    and that each generation creates it anew in its own image. There is a growth principle operating in the realm of ideas and in the construction of these ideas into camouflage patterns. The patterns evolve according to certain laws. They merely reflect the ideas behind them, and these ideas you must realize originate from different sources. They originate in the subconscious, it is true, but before this an idea quality is received by the inner senses. Sometimes this idea quality is received as intuition, where it sparks into the conscious mind. But the conscious ego is the primary manipulator of camouflage patterns and the obvious mover. The actual material from which camouflage patterns are formed is the vitality which exists and which is unconsciously used by your personalities. This actual gathering up of prime vitality for the purpose of physical construction is not however truly automatic, and it is not truly performed unconsciously. The strong self-conscious self of which I have spoken, the selfconscious self of which your own personality is not aware, this self that faces into the inner world of reality, quite consciously draws upon the vitality and stuff of what is.

    The conscious ego then manipulates this material for the purposes of camouflage constructions. The transformation of vitality into physical properties is done by this self-conscious self that faces the inner world. The subconscious is the link between these two self-consciousnesses, and here you find an acceptance by the camouflage personality of the materials at hand. At the same time the camouflage consciousness cannot be aware of the actual originator, and therefore must look for causes from the outside. In your dual system, that is, the two self-consciousnesses are more divided and alien to themselves than need be. The old idea of spirits pervading all physical matter actually represents an intuitive glimpse into reality that your sciences will finally arrive at in a long labored manner.

    The fact is that your plane originated because enough entities needed certain types of experience to warrant such a creation, and they set about forming it through the process of evolution. That I believe you understand. The smallest minute first portion represented the will and vitality of all the entities that would ever dwell upon the earth that would come after. It was far from a purposeless arrangement. It involved a foresight hardly imaginable, and I repeat that you had your part in the initial reaction, as did every entity who lived or will live upon the earth; and here we are getting into something rather difficult but certainly no mystery.
    Since all entities had a hand in when the first particle of matter came into physical materialization, then the inference is plain that entities not yet born upon your planet somehow existed then, and this is the case. You are familiar I am sure with the old religious Christian dictum that God always was and always will be, and this is considered a religious mystery. The fact is that entities always were and always will be, though not necessarily in the same form. This involves on the part of the entity the use of personalities, which are in a manner capsules of itself or even compartments—part of the whole entity but neatly divided as far as memory and so forth is concerned. Nor is this the only universe which you have helped construct.

    If you use psychological time as I have told you, you will get immediate firsthand experience of many facets of reality which take me pages to explain with the indirect use of words. All entities basically are self-aware portions of energy or vitality. They are self-generating and there is no possibility of thinking in terms of either beginning or end. Again, it is only your own camouflage-imprisoned data which makes you think that everything has a beginning and an end. It is obvious by now that entities on any plane create that plane, and a strong portion of their personalities are similarly constructed to deal with the mechanics of the particular plane. Incidentally, your universe was not created by all entities, but only by the entities that needed a particular kind of experience. The fact that manipulation is important upon your plane is one of the main causes for wars. War does not exist on other planes. It exists on your plane as a byproduct of certain challenges which the creator-entities wished to solve through materialization.

    In the last analysis the channel for vitality or for vitality’s transformation into physical matter is of course the inner senses’ ability, and there is a counteraction here as far as the conscious ego is concerned. The conscious ego often blocks much energy. In dreams the blocking is minimized. The inner senses operate on all planes and under all circumstances. The outer senses vary according to plane and circumstance. The outer senses are dependable only in terms of the definite plane for which they were constructed. Their purpose of course is to enable the conscious personality to recognize as valid camouflage patterns which are only valid under certain conditions. On your particular kind of culturally organized grouping the camouflage is necessarily strong, and the outside senses correspondingly vivid. This of course is bound to block some inner data. At the same time it is the inner vitality which creates the camouflage to begin with. If you know that a situation is imaginary you are not going to bother trying to solve it.
    Art creation is a most basic creation then, not even a mimicking act but a genuine creation of another plane, done self-consciously from the perspective of an imprisoning camouflage pattern. Quite an achievement, therefore. It should be simple as an analogy to consider the next point, where the figure in a painting would not only have a certain consciousness for example but would have other freedoms also; and this would give you a limited conception of what is involved in the creation of other planes of more varied scope.

    In the present personality we have abilities developed in past lives.

    When the Middle Ages began a large number of personalities who had lived before and during the Roman period were ready to end their reincarnation cycles. There were the most efficient learners, the wisest and most able personalities, and they withdrew their subconscious knowledge and memories from your plane. This was one of the reasons for the decay of knowledge and learning in the Middle Ages. There were other personalities of course who were fairly developed but these were resting. The world so to speak got back on its feet when these personalities reappeared centuries later; and by this time new personalities who had taken the place of those whose cycles were completed also began to use and show their abilities.
    By the end of the 10th century the first group of personalities completed their cycle. It took the period of time from then until the late 1600’s for any valid readjustment to take place, and by the middle 17th century you began to get bursts of beneficial activities and new thrusts of knowledge. Many personalities prefer rebirth in pleasant temperate or warm climates. Often they congregate for such selfish reasons in pleasant climates and in countries where political situations are not dangerous. There are no laws to force personalities to use all their abilities. A personality will not choose unfavorable circumstances of rebirth until he himself sees that necessary discipline can be achieved in no other manner. Therefore extremely hot and extremely cold countries go largely undeveloped. But once development begins to occur it is swift.

    Killing except for self-protection will be paid for.
    On your plane the hunter and the prey system is at this time a necessary one but it will not always be this way. A time will come when you will not have to kill in order to exist, and the balance of nature will take care of itself. This time is sooner on the way than you think. In your country, if there is peace, you will see its beginning in your lifetimes. This involves your own intellectual technology, which will be quite able to maintain its population with synthetic proteins. However this technological development will come first; unfortunately the corresponding ethical evolution will follow after. Until you learn reverence for all living things you will continue to slaughter each other.
    A reverence for life is a saving characteristic of any personality who has it. It adds of itself important elements of understanding and growth in a direct manner. Reverence for life will also enable you to understand and deal with other human beings in a more kindly and beneficial manner. It will enable you to act and to help without blaming them for shortcomings, since these shortcomings may actually have been chosen by them for reasons of compensation.

    When the data from the inner senses is ignored
    the personalities then become so intertwined with the camouflage pattern that they are only capable of drawing upon a very limited amount of the vitality which gives them basic energy and strength. One of the basic purposes of existence on your plane is to enable the personality to focus powerfully and to form basic vitality into creative pattern. He must learn to organize and command it, and your plane is one of the many where he gains practice and discipline in this respect.

    Psychological time
    represents on your plane the closest you can come to the experience of timelessness as far as your physical laws are concerned. Through experience in the various levels of existence the inner ego and the outer ego come closer and closer together. Basic reality is not by nature terrifying. It is however vibrant and direct to the extreme, and you must be prepared before you experience such an ultrasonic action. A direct experience of reality involves complete use of all the inner senses to an integrated cognizance field. You are truly babes in the woods, having enough trouble getting along in your own universe.

    The reality with which we are concerned flows through your camouflage world, forms the material with which you build your constructions, permeates every atom and molecule in your world, but does not originate in your world. That is, it does not originate in your camouflage world. It does originate in the inner self that exists in your world, but is not of your world. The outer ego is but a counterfeit image of the inner ego. The outer ego as a rule is not aware of what you may think of for now as the thoughts or communications of the inner ego; but the inner ego knows every step you take, every particle of air you breathe, every dream you have; and it is the source of your own personality and is the representative of the entity of which it is part. The inner senses belong to you as inhabitors of a spontaneous inner reality universe. Only by using the inner senses can you perceive while on your plane the inner reality of which it is part. Nothing exists in any universe or on any plane that does not have form of one sort or another. You may not be able to perceive the form but it always exists. You are always receiving data from the inner senses. It is sifted through the subconscious, and when you receive it directly, or more or less directly for the first time, it can be frightening merely because of the unfamiliarity, and because of the unusual vividness.

    Vitality gives itself a shape and form.
    The form does not impose itself upon the vitality. Therefore it is not strange to consider the possibility of changing form at will, and this is exactly what happens basically in the universe. To some extent, and to a much larger extent than you realize, this happens on your own plane, only in this case it is the subconscious will that does the actual transforming. The growth of a disability, say the appearance of an ulcer, is the introduction of another camouflage reality to the physical body. Something that was not there suddenly is there, and in your physical universe. It is formed by the unconscious will for reasons of its own.

    The tissue capsule
    of which I have spoken earlier surrounds every living consciousness. To some extent it could be compared to an extra layer of skin surrounding the physical body, except that it is not constructed in the same manner upon your plane, and is invisible to you under ordinary circumstances. It is actually a field, that is energy field, boundary. It protects the inner self by acting as a barrier that keeps the whole self’s energy controlled, and keeps it from seeping away. At the same time it protects the whole self from certain radiations which do not here concern you. No living consciousness exists on any plane without this tissue capsule enclosing it. These capsules can be seen by you under certain circumstances, and have been called astral bodies—a term which does not meet with my pleasure.

    In many instances, and with exceptions, ideas not fully constructed on your plane
    not only have great force but are also freer from the effects of physical laws. The idea has at its command then greater and varied methods of expression, and from it varieties of construction can be attempted. This is not to say that perfection is not to be sought after. It is of course impossible to achieve but the almost-completed leaves room for further development of the idea, and the idea is not imprisoned. The whole self is never completely constructed on your plane. At best it finds expression now and then.

    The sixth sense
    is one of the basic ones which makes use of the others possible. Mankind often confuses it with, and calls it, instinct. It is merely the innate knowledge which makes manipulation of energy from one form to another possible, and you use it constantly. The spider is more familiar with it in its pure form than you are. That is, than mankind is. It is this sense which directs your own growth physically, and which forms the cells of your physical body and constantly changes the stuff of your body. Your plane is a training place in the use of manipulation of energy. Your plane seems to deal with cause and effect, but this is in itself a necessary camouflage. In actuality there is no cause and effect as you think of it. There is only spontaneity. For a particular interval you must be taught as if there were cause and effect, so that the result of spontaneity would not end up as chaos. Now that we have briefly discussed the meaning of a tissue capsule I will go into the seventh inner sense a bit more deeply. This sense allows for an expansion or contraction of the tissue capsule. Theoretically there is no limit to the contraction or expansion allowed, but practically there are usually definite limitations. In actuality, use of the inner senses will get you anywhere you want to go. The idea of destination in these terms is laughable. Every place is one place. You do the dividing and the separations.

    There is only the spacious present.
    You are in the spacious present now. You were in the spacious present in your yesterday and you still will not have traveled through it in your tomorrow, or in eons of tomorrows. In your terms, the rate at which you discover the facets and realities of the spacious present becomes your camouflage time. On your plane there must be physical manipulation. This gives you also the illusion of past and future, and to you it appears that the present is a fleeting, almost ashen illusion in itself, beyond any true remembrance and beyond the reach of any but nostalgic recall. This is also caused by your camouflage system in which physical materializations appear and grow, mature and disappear.

    In the spacious present as it exists in actuality beyond shadow, all things that have existed still exist, and all things that shall exist in your tomorrow already do exist. You on your plane cannot experience such reality except in a very limited manner, and you cannot experience such reality spontaneously, and spontaneity is the quality of the spacious present. There is no cause and effect in the terms in which you understand the words. Nor is there a succession of moments that follow one after the other; and without a succession of moments following one after the other you can see that the idea of cause and effect becomes meaningless. An action of the present in your terms cannot be based or caused by an action in the past, and neither action can be the cause of a future action in a basic reality where neither past nor future exist. There can be order, and there is order, in spontaneity, and in the simultaneous existence of the spacious present. Order is one of the most basic attributes of all reality, and order is an inherent attribute in all things.

    When the conscious ego desires information,
    and when the outer ego is in full control, then the information is sought from the outer senses. When the outer ego is caught unawares and information is requested, the subconscious often delivers it through the use of the inner senses. When the ego becomes a mere observer rather than a controller, and momentarily suspends its rigid judgments, then inner direct experience is given some freedom and yet the ego is still aware of it. When the ego is completely or nearly completely subjugated, as in sleep, then there is direct experience through the inner senses, but no conscious awareness of it.

  • Book 2. SESSIONS 43-85 4/13/64-9/7/64

    The inner self must disentangle itself from a particular camouflage before it can change.

    The reality of the inner universe
    does not take up space, nor does it have its basic existence in time. Your camouflage universe, on the other hand, takes up space and has an existence in time, but it is not the real and basic universe, any more than the brain is the mind. Now nevertheless the dream world, the mind and the reality universe do exist. They exist in a climate that we will call the value climate of psychological reality. This is the medium. This takes the place of what you call space. This value climate of psychological reality is a quality which makes all existences and consciousness possible. It is one of the most powerful principles behind or within the vitality that itself composes from itself all other phenomena. However, the laws of the inner universe apply to all camouflage universes, and all consciousnesses on any plane must follow the basic laws of the inner universe. Some of these basic laws have counterparts known and accepted on various camouflage planes.
    These basic laws
    are followed on many levels in your own universe. So far I have given you but one, which is value fulfillment. In your physical universe this rule is followed as physical growth. The entity follows this rule through the cycle of reincarnations. The species of mankind, and all other species in your universe on your particular horizontal plane, follow this law under the auspices of evolution. On other planes this law is carried through in other manners, but it is never ignored.

    The second law of the inner universe is energy transformation. This occurs constantly. Energy transformation and value fulfillment, all existing within the spacious present, add up to a durability that is at the same time spontaneous. Energy transformation and value fulfillment add up to a durability that is simultaneous.

    Our third law is spontaneity, and despite all appearances of beginning and end, despite all appearances of death and decay, all consciousness exists in the spacious present, in a spontaneous manner, in simultaneous harmony, and yet within the spacious present there is also durability.

    Durability is our fourth law. What you call death is merely the transformation of your own energy onto a sphere that cannot be perceived by the outer senses. Actually, duration itself is dependent upon such transformation.

    Experience in the use of psychological time will bring you close to an understanding of the value climate of psychological reality, for obvious reasons. Psychological time indeed is a part of this climate as it appears in fairly uncamouflaged form in your own universe. You can get the feel of it.
    Creation is obviously one of the basic laws, which we will call the fifth law. In your physical universe this law is followed through idea constructions which become idea approximations of inner reality.
    The intuitions are not bound by the so-called laws of logic, and cause and effect. They do not take time as you know it into consideration, therefore they are not bound by continuity or limited to communication of words or even thoughts, strung out one after another. The intuitions are able to accept conceptual reality to some degree. They can feel the content and validity of a concept, where the brain itself may fall short.

    While awareness of clairvoyance is fairly rare,
    it does exist; and though watered down in most instance, is a natural method of warning individuals of happenings with which their own outer senses would not be familiar. It is a natural method of protecting the individual by giving him an inner knowledge of events. Without constant clairvoyance on the part of every man and woman, existence on your plane would involve such inner, psychological insecurity that it would be completely unbearable.
    Individuals are always warned of disasters, so that the organism can prepare itself ahead of time. The day of death is known. Consciously such knowledge is not given to the ego for obvious reasons.
    The value climate of psychological reality can be likened to an ocean in wich all consciousness has its being. There are multitudinous levels that can be plunged into with various life forms, diverse and alien, but nevertheless interconnected and dependent one upon the other. I like the ocean analogy because you get the idea of continuous flow and motion without apparent division. As temperatures in various depths of ocean change, and as even the color of the water and of the flora and fauna change, so too in our value climate there are quality changes, and senses equipped to project and perceive the changes. There are distortions because of the limitations of the outer senses, but the inner senses do not distort. The inner senses inhabit directly the atmosphere of our value climate; and they see through the evervarying camouflage patterns, and the flux and flow of apparent change. To plunge into this ocean you also leave the physical body at the shore. It will be there when you get back.

    Your camouflage patterns can be likened to the patterns cast by sun and shadow upon the ever-moving waves. As long as you keep the pattern in mind, you create it, and it is there. If you turn your head away for a moment and then look quickly back you can see only the wave. Your camouflage and your world is created by conscious focusing and unconscious concentration. Only by turning your head away for a moment can you see what is beneath the seemingly solid pattern. By plunging into our ocean of value climate you can dive beneath your camouflage system and look up to see it, relatively foundationless, floating above you, moved, formed and directed by the shifting illusions caused by the wind of will.

    Any investigation of the basic inner universe, which is the only real universe, must be done as much as possible from a point outside your own distortions, but the only way open for you to escape the distortions of your own physical universe is to journey inward. To get outside your own universe, you must travel inward, and this represents the only perspective free of distortive elements, from which valid experimentation can be carried on.

    is important merely as a tool to release the conscious personality from the camouflage inhibitions. It then allows knowledge to rise up. When the concious self is enabled to let go its preocupation with the camouflage universe, it can receive and be aware of data recieved by the inner senses. Such data does not have to be retained on a subconscious level. The conscious personality can be trained to receive, interpret and retain such knowledge. Otherwise such knowledge would be relatively without value in your camouflage universe.
    Hypnotism then is one tool to enable the conscious personality to divest itself of its concentrated focus upon outer camouflage, and to enable it to focus instead upon the inner self. The main rule here is merely a change of focus. Hypnotism is a safer method to begin with than drugs, but hypnotism itself is not necessary if there is an inner willingness to explore the inner universe. The main barrier is the ego's fear of being subjugated, even as it fears subjugation imagined in death. If the ego can be made to understand that inner awareness, exploration and investigation will actually enlarge its scope of awareness there will be little difficulty.

    Since there is no real division between the ego and the subconscious, the knowledge of the ego and the knowledge of the subconscious are merged in any case. But to be truly effective there should be no attempt to hide subconscious knowledge from the ego. With practice the personal distortive layers of subconscious material could be recognized without difficulty, and even these will give you valuable insights into psychological mechanisms.
    Telepathy involves of course a focusing of abilities and energy. The trouble is that when you are dealing with, say, the transmission of a picture, you are still dealing with camouflage. You will do better when you focus inwardly in a receptive manner, but without any inhibiting factor. That is when you are willing to receive whatever comes. Focusing upon a camouflage objective will give you a camouflage result.

    More cruelties have been effected by principled men than unprincipled men would ever dream.

    Only by freeing yourself from your own camouflage universe can you see it clearly, understand it for what it is, and actually learn to use it for mankind's best advantage. Psychological experience has no reality in space or time.

    Without the idea you have no physical reality, and without belief that our aims are possible, there will be no achievement. The achievement gained, however, will then provide its own physical proofs.

    almost always exists hand in hand with value fulfillment, and by the time that any physical construction appears within your plane, it has already been in existence. An idea on your plane gives birth to physical constructions, but the idea itself is merely a translation of another reality, which gave birth to it. The atoms and molecules that make up all physical cells are not basically bound by your time. They act within the framework of your time, but the condensed knowledge that they contain carries with it its own peculiar and unique consciousness, that is not bound by your physical laws. The capacity and mechanism necessary to project idea into physical matter is, therefore, present in the individual atom and molecule.
    The cells in an arm could just as well have been formed into the cells of another limb or portion of the body. Here it is the purpose of this mental genetic code system to maintain such purpose and data.

    There is a difference between the physical chromosome pattern, and the mental gene code, in that the chromosomes carry translated inner instructions in condensed physical form, for the physical cells to follow. However, the mental system that parallels the chromosome system carries in condensed form within the atoms generalized consciousness, data that has been transmitted to it by the entity. That is, before entry into your plane, the main characteristics of a personality have already been determined by the personality itself.
    This inner data is transmitted through the mental genetic system by way of the generalized molecular consciousness to the chromosome system, and the chromosome system then translates data into a physical code for the cells to follow. Each individual atom within its generalized consciousness has the capacity, in some degree, to construct its portion of energy into physical construction. The inner ego, representing the basic personality; through diffusion makes a materialization of itself and enters your plane.

    Our next rule, or law, of the inner universe is of course consciousness. Everything that exists on any plane and under any circumstances contains consciousness, condensed knowledge, and even self-awareness to some degree.
    Our next law of the inner universe is the capacity for infinite mobility; this occurring within the spacious present, which is an infinite spacious present.
    Our next law is the law of infinite changeability and transmutation. That is, any given portion of energy has within it the capacity to take on any pattern or to form an infinite number of energy fields, each one giving forth a truly infilnite variety of result.
    Cooperation is always a vibrant and necessary law, and you may add cooperation to our list of laws governing the inner universe.

    Beside the obvious constructions that you perceive as matter, you also form or project constructions of a different sort, which you do not perceive on a conscious level. These constructions exist definitely in terms of atomic structure, but of such different densities and speeds that you are unaware of them though they are perceived by the inner senses, and utilized by the subconscious and inner self as a very important reality.

    represent this sort of construction, and can actually be handed down generation through generation, given a strong enough send-off by any given individual. I mentioned to you that there is a plane given to the dream world, and this plane also represents actual constructions with which your conscious mind is not usually familiar.
    Those ideas which are impractical to construct physically, either for psychological or psychic reasons, are channeled into construction on other planes or levels. This merely means that the characteristics of their reality differs from the reality of physical construction.
    These other constructions are extremely important to the entity, and are also constructed for psychological purpose; and once constructed work out their own fate. There is a constant interchange between the realities, such as your world of physical construction and the worlds of construction which you do not consciously perceive. As cooperation exists to aid in the maintenance of your physical universe, so cooperation exists between the unseen universes and your own universe; and each universe continually aids the other in the maintenance of reality. There is constant interaction between all planes and universes.

    Material objects
    are indeed actions, literally without specific beginning or end, the action being continuous. It is you who change the apparent form of the action, and give the form a name. It is you who arbitrarily recognize a portion of an action as any particular material object. There are many actions which you do not recognize because you do not perceive them. All actions in one way or another continue. It is only the outer senses
    which cannot perceive what does not fall into their own domain. When you perceive an action with your outer senses, you call it material if it is, or if it appears to be, static. If an action seems to be capable of motion, you say the action is alive. When your outer senses no longer perceive motion you call the action a dead one. In all cases however, action continues.
    The main point is that matter is action utilized by the inner senses and perceived by the outer senses. Remember that the subconscious is at the outer end of the inner senses, and the inner senses create physical constructions. Once you learn how to handle and communicate with your subconscious, then you will be able to create more constructive constructions because you will understand that fearful expectations greatly color your perception of reality, and your construction of it.

    Generally speaking however, no physical object can be constructed, and no action can occur, without what you are pleased to call suggestion. No action and no material object can be perceived without inner consent and willingness. Behind every action and every construction there is indeed what you are pleased to call suggestion.

    is no more and no less than an inner willingness and consent, to allow a particular action to occur; and this consent is the trigger which sets off the subconscious mechanisms that allow you to construct inner data into physical reality.

    In your physical field value fulfillment consists of the development of the ability of the immaterial to express itself within the physical field. Matter has little, really no, durability in itself, and is merely the instantaneous form taken by consciousness as it projects itself in the physical field. In all instances, no particle of matter is the same in the so-called grown version, and the initial construction.
    Matter does not grow. I cannot make this too plain.
    Consciousness, according to its ability, projects itself into the physical plane, and through value fulfillment it constructs its image. The form that consciousness takes in the field of matter is determined by its own strength and capacity. Consciousness forces its way into matter. Form is not a characteristic of matter, despite appearances. Matter in itself does not possess durability. It is in itself therefore incapable of either growth or deterioration in your terms. Matter is not an imprisoning form. It is a means by which consciousness expresses itself within the limits of the physical field. You give constructions their appearance of continuity by continually creating them in line with your expectations, based upon among other things, previous constructions in the apparent past; and these expectations are the result of psychic communication between yourselves and others. The reality can be manipulated only after its existence is known.

    perhaps more than any other quality, characterizes the individual, and represents the innermost aspects of his personality. It is the framework for his physical constructions, and more than atoms and molecules it represents the psychic building blocks from which his constructions will be erected. We have already spoken of psychic constructions, and we have said that physical shapes are built upon inner psychic frameworks. Emotions then, in their own realm unperceived by the outer senses, have their own solidity, shape, and it is from these that your expectations are formed.
    The emotions
    indeed do form the expectations, and it is not the other way around. The emotions are to be used and enjoyed as psychic building blocks. Again, expectations are not only vital in the formation of physical constructions, but they also determine what inner data of all available, will be received by the individual; and then the individual interprets the data in terms of the same expectations. The core of individuality, then, is the individual's expectations, for he will truly get what he wants, individually and collectively.

    If a man wants to change his fate, desire is not enough, but expectation is. Desire may grow into expectation, but alone it is not enough. Expectation is actually the main trigger that switches inner data into the realm of physical construction. Without it, no physical construction results. Expectation is somewhat influenced also by past existences, and yet not enough to be binding upon the present personality. An expectation of danger will indeed create danger. An expectation of success will create success. This is put very simply and yet there is nothing, in practical terms, more valid, since expectation has behind it the motivating force of the personality, and utilizes on a subconscious level strong abilities and comprehensions. Expectation is the force, then, that triggers psychic realities into physical construction.
    Emotional power behind your expectations powers your expectations into physical reality. Emotions, or emotional energy, can be transformed rather easily from one to the other. The energy in hate can be utilized in love, for example. However, aggressions can be turned into constructive terms if care is used. Aggressions should be, as soon as possible after their recognition, turned into constructions. If not, consciously you forget the aggression; the energy stores up until it explodes in what we will call an unsupervised construction.

    The subconscious, as you call it, represents a tremendous raw power that triggers forth into construction according to the expectations which you form from the emotions. The intellect should help you understand this power plant, so that you can switch your power where it is needed. The intellect should operate like an x-ray, enabling you to see inward.
    While many of your expectations are formed in childhood, no switch is really stuck in one position, and it is your prerogative to channel your emotional energy into whatever pattern for action you desire. It is extremely important, if difficult, to probe and to discover exactly what your present expectations are. Not your desires but your expectations, for you will only construct physically that environment which you believe capable of construction. It has been said that oftentimes men's expectations are too high for their abilities, but indeed expectations form abilities; and if expectations were higher, so would abilities flourish.

    Faith and belief in an idea implies some commitment. Commitment is dependent upon expectation. He who does not have expectations along certain lines will not commit himself, and will not achieve; in the particular instance he will not give enough of himself, and he will not receive, except in proportion to what he gives.

  • Book 1
  • Book 2
  • Book 3
  • Book 5

    Book 3. SESSIONS 86-148 9/9/64–4/21/65

    Theoretically there is no such thing as a closed system.
    However for all practical purposes a closed mental system is one which allows the least amount of camouflage data to come through. It is not closed entirely but nevertheless it could be said to approximate in psychic terms the enclosure within which your so-called mediums work; that is, with a minimum of camouflage communication at hand. The system or the mental enclosure, again, is only closed comparatively speaking. An endeavor is made to close one opening from one plane, and keep the alternate or inner communication channel open. As an analogy here, the conscious ego could be said to exist within this copper tube, located at approximately its center. And in the same manner that one end of the tube would represent the extension of the self into the world of physical reality, then so too would the other end of this tube represent the extension of the self into the inner world of reality.

    Now using the analogy again, in our mental enclosure we attempt to close off this channel of communication with the outer universe. Now this is what you attempt when you experiment with psychological time, when your communication comes through the inner rather than the outer senses. And all living consciousnesses initially enter your plane of awareness by route of such a mental enclosure.

    All psychic energy comes through such a mental enclosure. Now, we are leading up to a point. You remember, I am sure, that I spoke of extension and contraction, along with other discussions on the inner senses. Communication with the inner self, communication with entities on another level can be approached from one or the other of two methods. The approaches are different, and one is more often tried than the other. Extension of energy must have contraction as an after effect, and contraction will lead to extension. Therefore, if you begin in an attempt to contract your consciousness and energy, in the hopes of attaining communication with inner reality, then indeed will your consciousness, closed and contracted like a tight fist, open and expand. And if you seek to communicate by expansion of consciousness, then will this expansion come crushing and closing upon itself. The end can be achieved in either manner. Concentration upon one minute, limited, contracted object will result in consciousness expansion, for have I not said that within even the molecule and atom there exists capsule comprehension?
    A mental enclosure cannot be seen or touched, yet no man is ever within a mental enclosure but that he is alone. Here you seek not equalization of pressure, but a delicate, even precarious instability of pressures. No, no creativity arises from an evenness of pressure, but in constantly changing, new instabilities, ever seeking to achieve a balance. This mental enclosure can be thought of as somewhat of a manufacturing plant, from which all material manifestations must come. The products that make up the form come through another entrance.
    Mental enclosures
    are in some respects a different sort of camouflage, a selfformed, artificial and only partial enclosure, a beneficial psychic device within which the inner self momentarily and temporarily gathers and holds and collects as much psychic energy about it as it is capable of receiving, utilizing, and also withstanding. The mental enclosure in most cases is self-limiting then, since it represents a setting up of barriers on all sides but one. But it is limiting only for the ultimate purpose of intense concentration of energy, resulting in a burst or expansion of this energy that has been transformed and pressurized, so to speak, into new patterns. The side which is open allows free flow of energy from the inner self, but momentarily the outlet for this energy is blocked up. This holding back, this gathering and collection without instant outlet, is one of the natural and constant processes involved not only in the construction of energy into matter, but in the construction of energy into any other form, and it is closely allied to the pause and pulsation that I have mentioned, as atoms and molecules appear and disappear imperceptibly, even while they seem to give continuity to any particular object.
    You may consider a mental enclosure in its simplest terms to be somewhat like a cube. The dimensions may vary within, but the furthest side will be represented as open or transparent, the line itself being drawn only for convenience’s sake. Into the cube then pours psychic energy. The front or foremost line of the cube, like a gate, can open or close; and it points toward the outer world of physical matter. As energy pours into our cube it is momentarily held within it. Mental enzymes help transform the energy into incipient patterns, from which matter, physical matter, can result.

    The front gates of our cube then open, freeing the transformed energy. But these front gates represent our subconscious and the signal to open, the permission for the construction of matter and its form, are dependent upon these subconscious gates. Even as incipient matter flows through, the final form is given by the way it brushes through these subconscious gates. It must be born and even shaped, finally, here. The properties of matter have been given it, that is been given the energy, within the mental enclosure, as indeed the physical properties have been given. And a child is formed in the womb, but may be damaged in the act of passing out.

    Such enclosures are the innermost basis of any consciousness, regardless of the type of consciousness. They could be said to represent the inner psychic form even of the most minute cell. They represent the necessary pause, though this pause understand on the physical plane is imperceivable. Nevertheless, the mental enclosures allow for a psychic duration in which energy, which is forever flooding, may be shaped to some extent and transformed, either into the properties of matter or into other forms. We have to some extent touched upon the various ways by which this process is carried out. The process is carried out so quickly as to seem simultaneous on your plane, but the pause and resulting pulsation is always present. This mental enclosure is arbitrary, necessary again, a device used by the self. It would seem to limit the extension of consciousness, and yet it does not.

    The dimensions of such mental enclosures are governed by the particular ability of the particular consciousness to receive, withstand and utilize energy. This ability is more or less elastic; that is, the ability can expand, and no rigid rules apply to it in a limiting manner. Within it will be found the capsule comprehension of which we have spoken earlier. This is an attribute of energy itself in its pure form, and even when it is, so to speak, broken down or individualized, the capsule comprehension is in no way either lessened or simplified.
    This point is extremely important.
    All consciousnesses, therefore, either of a complicated psychic gestalt such as a man or animal, or of simpler gestalts such as an individual cell or molecule, nevertheless operate in and form about themselves mental or psychic enclosures, within which is naturally contained the capsule comprehension which is an attribute of all energy. And in this mental enclosure, also, the energy which is received is then momentarily held and transformed, either into matter or into other aspects. For the record, you realize that when I speak of consciousnesses I do not refer to that conscious ego, but rather to inner consciousness, that then helps form the material image.
    This capsule comprehension
    I call capsule comprehension, since innate comprehension of itself and its workings is part of what you may think of as the fiber or makeup of all energy, regardless of any given particular form that it might take, or regardless of the camouflage it might form of itself. The comprehension of itself and its workings, being an attribute and everywhere a part of energy, cannot be therefore pointed at, and is in no way distinguishable from energy itself, being a part and not an addition. It is distributed therefore throughout energy, or within it, in much the same way that creative ability is distributed throughout or within, say, a particular personality.
    The results of it can be perceived in the actions carried out by a given personality, but as you cannot separate creative ability, or take it out of an individual for examination, so you cannot separate comprehension of itself from energy. Now. This comprehension, latent in all energy, is not broken up and distributed piecemeal within individualized consciousnesses, but completely contained within as if it were condensed; and indeed it is condensed into a capsule form.
    The comprehension is condensed, but the term capsule is merely one that I have chosen. All units of individual consciousness contain this capsule comprehension, and it represents the most minute unit of consciousness about which a mental enclosure, or self, can be constructed. There is no smaller unit, and cannot be, than this. It is the ability of such a unit of consciousness to utilize or create other forms and dimensions of itself that regulates the dimensions of the mental enclosure and of the effective self. You understand that about this mental or psychic enclosure the other elements of self are constructed, the physical image and its extensions into physical environment. This process, in various fields, continually goes on.
    The entity, each entity, was formed in this manner, it in turn sending out its creations in terms of other personalities, and these personalities sending forth their own psychic as well as physical constructions. When I spoke of energy being transformed within the mental enclosure, I mentioned that it was transformed into matter, but also into other constructions. Certainly all energy does not go into the construction of physical matter, even on the physical level, as you should know; and I have mentioned in the past that dreams are not sterile, but also construct according to the nature of their own properties.

    As there are levels of unconsciousness or
    subconsciousness, so do each of these levels have their own activities and translate, symbolize and often distort valid data, according to the different degree of subconsciousness through which the data were able to emerge. There are of course peculiar sets of associations that have been collected in this existence only, but even among associations that seem to be from this existence there are those associations, usually key associations, from previous existences which merge with those of the present.

    The topmost layer of the subconscious contains predominantly present associations, but in these are mixed and interwoven associations which have their origin elsewhere. These may be called self-unifying associations, since merely by their presence in the uppermost layers of the subconscious they provide a unifying sense of psychic continuity; of which however the ego is not aware. For one thing, there are basic similarities between an individual’s personality in various existences, so that quite naturally many associations of the same nature will arise.

    These various stages of the subconscious represent what was once the conscious ego of an individual, left now almost like living archeological heritage, from which the present individual may draw both knowledge, psychic continuity and balance. What was once the subconscious of these individuals once more united with the inner ego, which always represents the true individual, and these then advanced according to their own abilities and desires. Like the fossilized layers within the physical earth, so do the subconscious layers hold intact the traces of an individual’s past lives. And as your physical eras of time may be deduced through studying the physical fossilized layers of rock, so can the time and place of past lives be deduced through studying the layers of the subconscious.
    The personal present subconscious could be compared, using this analogy, with the topmost layer of soil dealing with the present seasons. Through it reach the roots of living emotions and desires. Directly beneath, still using our analogy, will be found the nutrients and seeds of those desires. The topmost layers of the subconscious hold then, first of all, almost conscious just-underthe- surface needs and desires; and under these those more deeply buried, reaching backward to birth, even as the loose dry autumn leaves still contain traces of earlier pigment.

    The second layer, still of the personal subconscious, contains those elements most deeply feared for personal psychological reasons, those which somewhat frequently arise as in an earthquake, to shatter the seemingly solid surface of the ego. Beneath this layer, in a third subconscious level, still dealing with the present personality, lie those possibilities of development which have lain barren and were not sufficiently strong to send up seeds to bloom in the sun of conscious ego. It is from this layer that so-called secondary personalities may sometimes arise, usually due to one of the psychic earthquakes mentioned earlier. As earthquakes cause lava to boil up seemingly from the center of the earth, so do some secondary personalities in their explosive emersion bring with them debris from other levels of the subconscious, often personifying themselves in the guise of those buried and frightening fears that have, until then, found no vehicle for expression.

    It is also possible that these secondary personalities, emerging, give access to buried abilities and benign constructive abilities which had been buried beneath heavier fears that weighed them down. In any case this level represents the last division of what we may call the present personal subconscious, and still only accounts for a small dimension of the inner self, being composed of only the most easily accessible portions. There are methods, some of which you know, that make entry into these levels comparatively easy.
    Before I continue into a discussion of other layers, and hence into a following dissertation connecting various types of dreams according to their origin in these layers, I will make a present, pertinent statement. The beneficial or detrimental effect of the emergence of secondary personalities must and may be judged by its effect for good or bad on the dominant personality, for in your existence the dominant personality is necessary and must be maintained in an authoritative position, to deal with the physical world.
    This phenomena is more common however than you would suppose, though unfortunately in many cases the secondary personality gives personification to buried fears and fantasies that are unhealthy to the dominant personality. Not only this, but because they are released by a psychic earthquake they emerge forcibly and sometimes with more vigor than the present personality can handle, so that they are in a position to dictate terms to the dominant personality. The secondary personalities in such cases are, you see, of a whole, composed of powerful unified subconscious forces long denied outlet where the dominant personality, or the personality so far dominant, has long been holding the fort, and is set upon by those diverse divisions imposed upon it by society and environment. Such personalities, that is such secondary personalities, do not represent past incarnations therefore, although some of the qualities may originate in a past life. Such secondary personalities in many cases will often mask themselves by adopting for a while moral postures in keeping with those of the dominant personality; but these will be soon discarded as the secondary personality further insinuates itself.

    Directly beneath personal subconscious you will find upon examination either through hypnosis or applied association, a layer dealing with the period before this life, and after the life before this one. Since this period was to some degree at least free of camouflage, from it communication can be received dealing with the entity’s knowledge of itself, and of uncamouflaged reality. From this undifferentiated gap of experience between camouflage existences, valuable information may be received dealing with the reality which exists behind, and independent of, matter. From this focus position communication may be set up between personality essences no longer in the physical field, and those still in it, provided that those still in it are able to remove focus from the ego to this particular level. It is from this focus point then that communication between what is termed the living and the dead may take place.

    The necessary focus point may be achieved through trance, hypnosis or self-hypnosis, or through certain other disciplines. It may happen spontaneously, as when a severe emotional reaction is set off; through external circumstances, and what Ruburt has read in the past along these lines is partially correct. Emotional outbursts or reactions do cause chemical conditions, and certain chemical conditions can facilitate such communications. However, it is a fact that as a rule the communications cause the chemical reactions rather than the other way around.
    On a particular level however this makes little difference, because such communications are carried on constantly at subconscious levels, seldom reaching ego awareness, so that individuals are subconsciously conditioned— and underline subconsciously conditioned—therefore expecting, all unknown to the ego, such communications when certain chemical changes come about; since these chemical changes also occur for other reasons when these conditions occur, on a practical level communications will then most easily happen. These chemical changes without the proper subconscious focus point, will result in clairvoyance or telepathy strong enough on some occasions to be conscious. When the proper focus point is reached however, these communications will result in rapport between the living and that portion of personality essences, or so-called dead, who are still at least psychically connected with life on your field. Obviously people vary in their ability to change their point of focus. Many find difficulty in changing it at all. Some, because of excellent development, inner communication with the inner self, feel subconsciously secure enough to change focus spontaneously, as one might listen to one radio station and then another, still retaining knowledge of the basic “I” who listened. Beneath this undifferentiated subconscious layer we will find, and psychologists can find through testing and hypnosis, a layer composed of memories, dealing successively with each previous existence, and separated by a layer between lives that is, again, undifferentiated.
    Historical knowledge and verifications of identity—identities—may be achieved through communication with those layers of the subconscious dealing with past lives. But no information may be gathered here that was unknown to the particular previous personality as a rule. Some particularly gifted may use one of these levels as a focus point, looking outward even to the present personality, but this is unusual. Communications that give valid information concerning the reality beneath the camouflage world must be attained through one of the separating layers between lives.

    At the bottom so to speak, will be found a layer of the subconscious dealing with racial heritage, concerning the dim first materialization of man; and beneath this a heritage dealing with a comprehension of reality as concerned in physical matter before the physical evolution of man, following backward to that first inner self within its mental enclosure, that was adept enough to translate and transform its psychic energy to form the first, most minute physical materialization, from which all other physical constructions then flowed.

    On its simplest level,
    and this is hardly simple, but on its most basic level, what you call telepathy operates in the following manner.
    on this level is the intangible, nonmaterial communication of inner energy, or inside energy, to the physical materialization of itself within the physical field. This elementary telepathy is not the communication of thought as such, but
    is the communication of intent, desire and purpose.
    It is therefore the communication of inner energy to various still-forming aspects of itself, a blazing, so to speak, of invisible paths or bridges. And at the same time the laying down of these intangible paths serve as the inner framework over which or upon which future physical lines or structures will be laid. No physical communication systems, such as nerves and so forth, are accomplished before these invisible inner energy telepathic structures are first set forth, for these impress within the unformed physical structures the habits and ways which the physical structures will then follow; and these inside telepathic lines continue to exist within the physical structures after they are completed, and for a while after the physical structures have been broken down.
    I have until this point said very little about the so-called astral body. For one thing I dislike the term. For another, I did not want to discuss such points until I had first prepared you for not only their existence, but their purpose and logic. You can perhaps now see where this so-called astral body has its origin and purpose. It is actually the intangible but actual framework formed by inner energy, about whose lines or, actually, reference points, the physical framework is constructed. Now. This sort of elementary telepathy has existed as a necessity since the first formation of inner energy into matter.
    As inner energy forms more complicated gestalts through the processes that I have earlier explained, then inner energy continues its communication with the physical matter that it creates about it. When inner energy desires to construct a more complicated gestalt, then it must telepathically communicate this intent and purpose through the matter which it collects about itself, forming a more complicated inner telepathic pattern first, that can then be filled in with physical matter. The manners in which telepathy operates are difficult to explain because of the divergence of definition held by the ego and by the inner self of any given individual. To the human being it must appear that telepathy is a mental or psychic communication occurring between two or more entirely separate selves. The ego, you see, has one definition for the self, and its own idea of the limitations of itself.
    The ego considers itself the self,
    and considers anything outside of its self as being either nonself or another such separate identity, and so the individual man is led to believe that telepathy is basically a communication between two or more basically alone, separate and aloof selves. Telepathy does not operate at the level of the ego, although its actions may protrude into the domain of the ego. Telepathy operates within the inner self, within various levels, different levels of the subconscious, where the ideas of separation and limitations of self are not nearly so limiting.
    The type of telepathy which is most commonly thought of as telepathy is of course not the elemental type of which I spoke earlier, but a different variety. This particular, more advanced telepathy could not and did not occur in its most complicated form until the development within your plane of psychically developed personalities. This development involved separations and concentrations of energy into self-conscious identities. This development was an advancement, yet this advancement led also to a separation and objectifying of consciousness, into dual segments of subject and object. You can see that the inner self is much more spacious and unlimited than the ego self, and that while divisions occur they may vary, and the boundaries of the inner self constantly change.
    Inner telepathic communications exist whenever the inner self reaches out, wherever its sympathies or vitalities are attracted.
    In a manner we will later discuss, psychically it surrounds information, operating psychically almost in the same manner that a simple amoeba physically will surround food. This may not be a very apt analogy, but the principles are sound behind the analogy. This is complicated to explain, and yet an explanation is sorely needed, for telepathy operates mainly when similarities and attractions are set up, when like attracts like; and not, as it would seem, when as it appears one alien or separate identity is connected with another. What I am trying to get across here is that, because of the superficial studies done so far, it seems that telepathy operates with separateness because of the limitations set by the ego on the definition of self. It is the similarity, or sympathy, of those in telepathic communication that makes telepathy possible. The limited idea of the self held by the ego clouds and distorts the main issue, for the ego is not conscious of the underlying bonds of sympathy that serve to merge, momentarily, the identities involved.

    To continue along the lines of the various fields of actuality in which the human body exists, these fields or systems, being open, are also fields with particular identity, within which certain inner and particular laws operate. Forces entering these fields, by the very act of entry, become transformed into the sort of data that can be accepted by the given field. The field is open then, but data passing into it is in a different form from the form it had before entry.
    There are electrical fields of actuality
    which are fields in which the dominating data is electrical, in the same manner that the dominating force or data within your plane is material.
    In this field, electrical force is the main method by which inner energy expresses itself. This is rather difficult to explain, and yet later it will not seem so. Personality gestalts within this field are built up electrically, with electric components, without physical matter. In this field possibilities and actualities are electrically computed. Your own personalities in some manners exist within this field.
    This field projects itself, as should be obvious, into your own field of actuality, and as such the personality itself has its existence in both fields; and both systems, being open, are dependent one upon the other, and a failure to survive in one system threatens survival in the other. This particular electrical field is one of the most closely allied with the physical field; comparing the whole setup to your known physical universe, the electrical field would be one of the close planets of your own system. Existence in this field has great importance, particularly as far as the physical brain mechanism is concerned, and there are far more connections here than your scientists have yet discovered. The nerve impulses leap and connect the two fields continually, and interrelate them in a most intimate manner. Only infrequently does the electric field protrude visibly in your field, yet in its own field it is indeed tangible, but not in terms of matter. This field is also concerned with what you call growth in your own field. Electric impulses within atoms and molecules are part of the structure of your physical universe, while matter is not perceived directly in the electric field itself.

    Where matter would exist there, a concentration of energy forms what you could think of as a body form, body meaning mass, yet it would not be matter in your terms. Such manifestations in the electric field are much more powerful, in terms of intensity per mass unit, than anything you know. This is a very important point, which will come up with us again in the future.

    Now again: regardless of current scientific thought, there are at least three different kinds of electric force which your scientists have not yet discovered, and one of these has much to do with the intensity of thoughts as they are formed in the intangible mind, and translated to the physical brain and then into action, as the case may be.
    It is not simply that some weak electrical force exists within the physical body, but that a portion of the physical body has its actual existence within a strong force field; that the whole physical body has counterparts, so to speak, within this force field, and that so far man has discovered only the comparatively weak electrical charges of one particular kind in general, that most obviously protrudes into the physical universe.
    The physical body, in other words, exists as an electrical body
    that is not material, that has a peculiar mass but no weight, whose characteristics are apparent in terms of not varying shapes, but varying intensities and concentrations of electric force. In some respects there are differences. The mind, which is not physically represented in the material body, does exist electrically. The brain, which exists physically, is a part of the mind in the electric structure. The organs exist electrically. The skin does not exist within this electric counterpart, although the physical skin does contain electric force.
    Now. If you could see the body as it exists within the electric field, you would certainly not recognize it, for its shape would bear no resemblance to the physical shape as you know it. The electric counterpart to the physical body exists, then, as an identity formed by various electrical systems operating more or less as one.
    It is an electric reality in which most certainly even thoughts exist as actualities, ever-moving spheres of more or less independent electric systems. Emotions are also, then, actualities within the overall electric system, existing not as representations of feeling, but as definite charged action. I want if possible to get the idea over that this system involves realities that are directly experienced and vivid, and also that in some ways emotions and thoughts are more directly perceived in that field than your physical field. They are more readily apparent, with more force behind them acting directly upon the electric environment, without any intermediary steps; that is, they, emotions and feelings and thoughts, exist immediately within the environment as electrical forces within that system. In your system they need to be translated and given reality by a method of interrelationships. Your field attains its actuality only as a result of the cooperating merger of many other independent systems. The trouble has been that your scientists see or perceive electrical and chemical systems, for example, only in their relationship with the physical system. They do not realize that these systems exist in universe actualities of their own. And the electrical and even chemical systems play a much larger part within the physical system than matter plays within their systems. They could both exist without the world of physical matter, but the world of physical matter could not exist without them.
    As within your field inner energy is translated into physical matter through means which I have earlier described, within the electrical system inner energy is translated into the characteristics peculiar to that system. Because your system is dependent upon the electrical system in one way or another, counterparts exist within the electrical system for all such phenomena. However, the electrical system contains phenomena that does not appear within your system, although some projections from it may be perceived.
    These projections so far have never been understood, since they have not been studied objectively, but only in their relation to the physical field. Matter has little effect within the electrical system, but the effects of the electrical system upon physical matter are great.
    Now. Thoughts, human thought, has an electric reality; a human thought exists as an independent electrical action, and as such it continues to exist within the electrical system long after it has left its point of origin. This is another important piece of information that will also be referred to later.
    The thought, as an electrical reality, is not subject to the physical laws that bind the physical body. The durability of the thought as an electrical act is determined by its initial electric charge. This electric charge can propel the thought, as an electrical action, through the apparent dimensions of your physical time in such a manner that it can exist simultaneously within your past and your present. Because a thought, as electric action, may exist both within your past and your present, this is not to say that it becomes two electric actions, one existing in the past and one existing in the future. Rather the one electric action or thought is simultaneously projected, through a peculiarity of its axis, so that it appears within your field, not in two places at once, but in two times at once. All thoughts, as mental or electric actions, do not necessarily so appear by any means.

    I said that thoughts and also emotions existed as electric actions,
    and once initiated are then in independent existence. That is, they are actualities apart and independent from their point of subjective origin. They are brought into existence in a subjective manner, but they then are independent action, and as such may continue to exist in duration within the physical field, according to their original electric potential. In turn these thoughts or emotions, as electric actions, can affect other actions; and influence patterns can be set up, and are set up. The subjective habits of individuals are largely responsible for their own attractions to various types of such electric actions, and here indeed like attracts like.
    Various emotional factors within each personality cause what we may call a characteristic emotional climate. Certain types of thoughts and emotions are entertained therein. Since these are electrical actions, they set up strong electrical fields of attraction within the personality, easy electric paths. Uncharacteristic thoughts or emotions must then meet with some resistance.
    then, has not only a psychological, but an electrical and psychological nature and implication. It will be easier (i.e., there will be less resistance; put that in parentheses) for a given individual to accept certain ideas or emotions therefore, and more difficult for him to accept certain others. I have spoken about fields and systems. While no system is closed, each system has at its furthest reaches sufficient resistance to form sufficient-enough boundaries, so that its own identity is retained.
    So does the personality, through negative charges, cause boundaries to be set
    about its own emotional system. It will accept most readily those thoughts and emotions, or electric actions, which attract it, which have a similarity to its own charged emotional climate; and it will have greater resistance to those which have the greatest dissimilarities. It is, therefore, most advantageous to study well those thoughts and emotions which are habitually accepted by any given personality.
    The emotional climate,
    though intangible, is intimately known by each individual as it exists within himself, and it is the best indication of his physical condition, for thoughts and emotions as independent electrical actions have great influence directly upon the physical mechanism, acting indeed as electric storms which flash through the entire nervous system; or as great stabilizers as the case may be, and with of course many middle varieities of influence. Thought and emotion then, is not only generally related to the physical mechanism, but as electrical actions, thoughts and emotions act directly upon the system. Again here you see, however, that it is the individual himself who initiates his own emotional climate, and then suffers or enjoys the results. We must go much further into this particular subject. Nevertheless it must be clearly understood that thoughts and emotions are actualities in themselves, that directly work upon the physical mechanism.
    Any thought or emotion is bound to directly affect the physical body.
    Because thoughts and emotions, as electrical actualities, are independent from their subjective point of origin, a given thought or emotion, initiated by an individual, may be rejected by him and cast out. If the thought or emotion is similar to those usually accepted, then this will take time, for new electrical patterns must be set up. But an idea, thought or emotion so rejected still has independent actuality, and may be attracted to the emotional climate of another.
    Many psychological intangibles, including dreams, have such an electric reality, and do exist as electric actions. They are to be reckoned with.
    The connections between the emotional climate and physical health
    have never been clearly understood, because emotions were not known to have such electrical reality. They were not known to directly affect the system. More is understood as far as the chemical relationships here. The point here is that you are, yourselves, familiar with such a small portion of reality.
    You are familiar with such a limited portion of the actuality of your own thoughts. These thoughts are things, so to speak, as real as a chair; but you are acquainted only with their purely subjective reality. They have great force within the electric field, great attractions. If you could fully understand or comprehend directly the reality of a thought in its full actuality, you would be amazed at the power behind it. Its manifestations are greatly concentrated, and its patterns attract mass, but in different terms in the electric field.
    There is, therefore, a similarity existing between an individual’s dreams and thoughts and emotions and physical condition at any given time.
    The mind, as separate from the brain, the mind exists purely and simply in the electric system or field, and does not project itself directly into the physical field although its effects appear within it.
    Each thought or emotion exists then as electric action within the mind.
    The action is transformed and translated, and is sent to the brain where its effects directly are felt, and the brain then initiates reactions. Thoughts and emotions then, being independent however, are
    not bounded by or held within the physical body.
    The physical barriers of skin, for example, the physical limitations of that structure, do not exist and are not recognized by thoughts or emotions. They recognize only electrical systems.
    Every individual is pelted, so to speak, with numberless such electrical actions constantly.
    He accepts only those where mutual attraction exists,
    and is usually not aware of their possible origin outside of his own system. The fact that thoughts and emotions have an actuality outside of the subjective sense may appear appalling to some. Unless the fact is accepted, however, the human physical structure will never be understood.
    Positive and negative thinking
    is more than a turn of phrase. Dimensions do indeed exist within this electrical field of which I have spoken, and it should be understood that I speak of an independent electrical field, and not of the weak, apparent electrical effects that can be observed within the brain or nervous system. The electrical reality of emotions and thoughts represents a thought dimension that has been completely neglected; and in it there are other dimensions; as within your field there is apparent space and time and height and thickness, so in the electrical system there is intensity and what I will call space reality, electrical mass and potentiality, which is different from intensity and polarity.
    All electrical actions exist with those characteristics. They amount to an overall existence as valid as your own. In many ways it could be said that
    the physical system is an effect caused by this electrical field.
    There is still much to be covered here. There are units, working backward from your system, for convenience’s sake, whereby your very physical weight is in electric form, an actuality beside the one that you know. Electricity is one of the attractions which make the existence of physical matter possible.
    You can see now how a subjective experience can have an electrical reality, and through this reality directly affects the human physical structure.
    also being electric actualities, depend upon an electric system of patterns to communicate their data to the various levels or areas of the inner self. In the past I spoke of the innate capsule comprehension, which exists within all cells. These are also electrically coded. Whole comprehensions can thus exist within physical structure while taking up no physical space. Dreams are particularly interesting from this viewpoint, as the original dream experience is a direct electrical experience, decoded electrically, subjectively then translated for the various areas of the inner self. All seemingly purely subjective experiences which take up no physical space, but are emotionally or subjectively felt, all such experiences exist first of all electrically.
    The human system then translates the experience, but its original existence and actuality is electrical. This is why your dream locations take up no physical space, either within your skull or in your physical universe; and yet I have said that these dream locations did exist. Their existence is electrical, and they partake of the dimensions of the electrical system as I have given them to you. Dreams are felt directly through electrical patterns, and then decoded. The original experience, then, again, is an electric one, and the effects are instantly felt by the human system, according to the original intensity of the charge. I have not spoken much concerning the dream universe, since first it was necessary that you understand the electrical actuality of emotions and thoughts. I shall have more to say on this subject shortly. You will also remember that I spoke long ago of the connections between emotions and physical weather. The electrical system is also of import here. Also our mental genes and mental enzymes, of which we will also speak more fully.

    The inner self and the subconscious are not present in the physical universe,
    insofar as they take up no space within it. They exist within the electrical system. They affect the physical system and operate closely allied with it. Nevertheless they will not be found within the physical system. Thoughts are psychoelectric patterns, set up by the mind, and transformed to human codes by the brain.
    The mind is always with you.
    The particular brain is the physical mechanism that translates the thoughts of the mind. It goes without saying then, that the brain belongs to the physical system, and here in clear terms you see the smooth cooperation that exists. Thoughts are initially psychoelectric patterns in pure form, productions of the inner self that must be translated in order to be used by the physical self.
    is often a more or less instantaneous translation, occurring for various reasons which I will give you later, without the benefit of the brain’s intervention. It is this strangeness that is often noted. The individual seems not to know where the thought comes from, because he does not recognize the characteristic mark of his brain upon it. And indeed such a mark is lacking, for inspiration
    originates with the inner self.
    In a most ingenious manner, then, all of these systems, while individual, are portions of one unified reality.
    The outer senses cannot perceive the unity.
    The outer senses can only perceive the apparent diversity within the physical system alone, for the outer senses do not perceive directly any other system but the physical one.
    The inner senses can be thought of as transformers, where various kinds of data is sent to proper channels within the personality, channels which bypass ordinary physical channels. They then can exist side by side. There are various reasons, which I have not yet given you, that allow for the traveling of the self through physical space and time. These reasons have to do with the electric actuality of the inner self, and with that counterpart of the physical body which exists within the electric field.
    Personal identity,
    the basic “I”, is a product of the subconscious, and as such it exists as an actuality within the electric field; because of this it is basically independent of the physical field, held to it mainly by the ego.
    The ego
    directs the identity toward physical orientation. This is an important point. The ego does not exist within the electrical field. The ego is a product of the physical field, formed from physical birth on. The inner identity and individuality, as you know, has its origins long before this. The inner self adopts an ego in order to allow manipulation within the physical universe, and yet part of the ego is composed of portions from the inner self, while the bulk of the ego is allowed to develop through physical heredity and environment. The breath of life, so to speak, is breathed into the ego by the inner self, but from that point on the ego is independent.

    All of these influences have a part in the formation of the physical individual, and his existence is dependent upon a balance being maintained. In some instances, to use an analogy, serious short circuits do occur, intensities of power accumulate. The dream universe, for example, may intrude with unusual sharpness. The systems lose complementary balance, but on the whole the systems operate together most efficiently.

    Even the electric reality of a dream is decoded, so that its effects are experienced not only by the brain, but in the furthest reaches of the most minute cells in the human body. Dream experiences long forgotten are forever contained as electrically coded within the cells of the physical body. If an effect is felt in any one portion of human experience, then you can be sure that such an effect is felt in all other possible ways, whether or not such an effect is immediately obvious. This is also an extremely important point to remember.
    Every effect of any kind, experienced by the human being, exists as a series of electrical signals and codes, that in themselves form a pattern that is an electrical pattern. They exist within the cells, or I should more properly say that the cells form about them. These electric coded signals then form electric counterparts of complete experience, as it has been felt by any given individual. It is, the pattern is, then independent of the physical system, while residing within it. In other words, each individual from birth on forms his own counterpart from built up, individual, continuous electric signals. At physical death his personality then exists in its complete form, and of course escapes the sort of ending that it would suffer if it were an integral part of the physical system.
    This electrical pattern is the personality,
    with all the experiences of its earthly time. It then can join or partake of the inner self. In other words, though the ego was adopted originally by the inner self, and was a product of physical heredity and environment, it does not die; but its existence is changed from physical reality into electrical reality. It is still individual.
    No individuality is lost,
    but it becomes a part of the inner self, and its experiences are added to the total experience of the many personalities that have composed the inner self. In the composition and buildup of the personality, you can easily see that dreams, thoughts, emotions and psychological experiences are far more important than any mere physical data. To the personality a joy or a sorrow is far more actual than a table or a chair.

    There are some points that should be mentioned concerning the definition of the self, or a self.. The definition of course stands. I merely would like to be sure that the correct interpretation is given to the definition. The self, or a self, is not any particular thing, as I told you. It is true that there are no boundaries to enclose it within safe confines, where it can be said, “Here is the self.” It is also true however that this lack of boundary allows for possibilities of development and expansion that would be impossible with a limited self. The self is not nebulous. Action changes itself, as we have described. Any self, therefore, is never the same self, but action contains within itself its own comprehension.

    Because there is no time, as you think of time, we will not say that action retains a memory of all its previous actions or selves, for this would be misleading. Action is aware of itself in all of its spontaneous and simultaneous workings. The self that you are, in a basic sense, is the self that you were in past instances within this existence, the self or series of selves that you were in previous existences within the physical field, and also the myriad selves that you are now, in various perception experiences unknown to the ego. Your self is all this, as well as the selves that you would call future selves. I wanted to make it clear that the self at any moment, while being no one thing, being indeed a series of simultaneous happenings, so to speak, is however far from meaningless, containing within it full inner comprehension of its various portions.
    Once again I make the point, a seeming paradox: The self constantly changes. The self at any given moment is not the self that it was, yet it is that which it was, since it is that which changed. It acts upon itself, being action. The inner self also changes, but it is also that which changes itself. We come now close to a definition finally for the entity, which cannot really be defined, because in your terms it escapes definition. However, the entity can be partially defined as the sum of all the selves within a given range of action, the simultaneous totality which on the one hand then cannot yet exist, since action can never complete itself, yet representing that impetus forever frustrated on the part of action for complete materialization.
    The blueprint is action’s intent. The selves are action in progress toward this blueprint.
    There are selves within selves. Each self is interwound with all others, and yet each self, being composed of action, has within it the powers of action toward change, development, expansion, and the drive toward fulfillment. Herein also lies the freedom of each self: not being limited. We have spoken in the past of capsule comprehension. It is indeed a characteristic of action, indivisible from action, equally interwoven within it. Therefore each portion of action is aware of its simultaneous experience within all levels. Again, action carries itself along. Each self is therefore aware of its previous gestalt affiliations. Now. Identities may or may not have egos. An atom is an identity.
    It is a self materialized in physical form. It is conscious of itself as belonging to action. The fact that it may be part of a larger gestalt self in no way belittles its own identity. It is conscious of the gestalts of which it is part. It is materialized action, a self, part of other selves, as you are part of other selves. The intensity here is different. You, any human being, represent a capability, an attraction, an electrical field of great intensity that is capable of efficiently acting as a unit within the physical field. You may also be part of a self operating within other fields, and operating also within another system of units. The inner self operates as a relay station, as a reference point for the various seemingly disconnected selves. It is only through contact with the inner self that knowledge of the whole self can be found.

    The inner self could be called, then, the nucleus, the original point of action from which all the other emanations that form the whole self began. There is here you see no limitation upon the direction in which action may move, nor any limit to the dimensions which action may create. The inner self would be then any given outthrust of original action outward, as explained earlier. This outthrust would, because of its nature, instantly send further outthrusts in as many directions as possible for it. And because it is action, and because no action can complete itself, and no action can completely materialize, then each outthrust or materialization would result in an in-thrust; not into the original action from which it came, but into itself. This gives us the creation of new inner selves, and all this is of electrical composition, and you should recall the information given you concerning the manner in which electrical fields are formed.

    Again, this is no reason to feel that the individual is nothing, simply because he is one of so many. Action develops according to value fulfillment, and value fulfillment has little to do with size or numbers; and action turns to consciousness. Action working on itself becomes consciousness, and in speaking of consciousness I do not necessarily mean what you mean by the word. Your concept of consciousness is fearful and limiting, and depends for its existence upon ignorance and barriers, barriers that divide parts of the self from others, from other parts of the self, and from other selves, and from experiences of the selves.
    Value fulfillment
    opens the many eyes of the self to its various portions. It enables the self to expand, to join in a gestalt with other selves. It is only your ego which leads you to believe that such an expansion would result in a lessening of consciousness on the one hand, or an invasion of other selves on the other.
    And yet in another sense all selves are one self, in that all selves are action. But action must attempt to materialize itself and fulfill itself completely. It cannot do so, and the result is the formation of many selves, that are a part of action, and formed from action; and therefore each self must continue in the creation of other selves.
    Selves are not destroyed.
    They change into other selves, and yet are still themselves, for each new self is also the previous self which changed through acting upon itself. There will be no huge contraction of action back into itself, in those terms. There may very well be a conscious realization of each self, that it is a part of the original actionself.
    Lest we forget, action is another word for inner vitality. Selves are formed also by effective ranges of comprehension, which may be expanded. They cannot be contracted, for action cannot wipe out comprehension of itself. The electrically coded data of which we have spoken cannot be removed, for an action cannot withdraw a previous action.
    You understand that when I speak I am not saying that continuity, in terms of past and present, exists. I am using these terms merely for your convenience. An action can never negate itself. There may be counteraction, but no action can be wiped out.

    The ego is indeed a necessity within the physical field at this point of man’s development. The ego is in a state of becoming, however. The ego is not what it was centuries ago, and it will not be the same centuries from now. It, the ego, will not admit the change, but its refusal to admit change in no way stops change. Efficient manipulation within the physical field will soon require that other portions of the self be utilized and recognized. In a manner of speaking, the ego can be compared to the nationalistic state of nations, necessary indeed for man’s development, but already growing passé, and perhaps even mitigating against the survival of the species, where once it aided that survival. The worldwide view of man as a species, worldwide brotherhood, in no way hampers or endangers the individual man, and in no way endangers nations, but will represent one of the main hopes of mankind, without which no nations will endure.

    In like manner, when the ego concept is discarded as a concept, as the concept of nationalism will be discarded, so the individual self will not lose but gain. The individual self will expand, as the individual man will be capable of expanding when the old idea of nationalism is finally overthrown, and he can be benefited through learning of, and cooperation with, other men as brothers upon your planet.
    But as it is not wise to dispense with the idea of nationalism without gradual growths of understanding and preparation, and while the idea of nationalism cannot suddenly be dispensed with, so also the ego cannot be, and will not be, overthrown overnight; and even when it is finally left behind, it will still be used as a handy reference point; and through all this the self will not lose but gain, for all expansion outward, and expansion inward is a gain, and all boundaries, whether inward or outward, are hampering and limiting. Basically, the self is not limited. The self does not need imaginary fences to protect its privacy, or its safety or its solitude. Only the ego is afraid of challenge, and therefore speaks of such limiting safety. If the self were the ego then indeed such precepts would be necessary, but the ego is a small part of the self. Necessary indeed, still, but less necessary than it once was.

    In regard to your illness,
    no healing of any sort can ever take place without inner understanding
    and psychic comprehension. My interests are those of an educator. Any healing brought about from the outside may be advantageous in the short run, and I would be only too willing to help in a situation involving illness, particularly of a serious variety, even though the advantages of my help would be surface ones.
    I realize that such surface help at times could be most desirable. Basically however in your case the illness was not serious, and the advantage that you would derive from my help in a healing capacity would have been outweighed entirely by several disadvantages that are almost always present, in the case of healing that does not originate from inner comprehension.
    I would have been removing the problem from you, and in this instance depriving you of the opportunity of solving it, and therefore of adding to your own energies and abilities. As it was, your illness was shorter by several times than it would have been had it occurred last year, and certainly much shorter than it would have been were it not for the understanding that you have derived from these sessions.
    I certainly do not mean to sound less than compassionate. My bedside manner may leave much to be desired, and my potions and pills are not those that come in a doctor’s black bag. However it is your duty, and the duty of every individual insofar as it is within his power, to maintain his own psychic health and vitality; according to the strength of this vitality he will protect himself and others. Negative expectations, far from protecting either the individual or those with whom he comes in contact, will actually, to a greater or lesser degree, turn as destructive as any epidemic.

    You of all people should realize that when valid concern for world problems turns into an obsession with world injustices that wipes out all, or threatens to wipe out all personal enjoyment, then trouble is on the way.

    For enjoyment is a weapon.
    The man who is capable of joy is capable, to a large extent, of changing his world. Joy is not a weak spineless idiot either. Its backbone is stronger than bitterness.
    Joy is the muscle of action, and without it there would be no action. Basically this concern for human welfare is indeed virtuous, but overindulged in it becomes loaded with possibilities that could be most unfortunate.

    I have told you that action cannot deny itself. An action cannot be recalled, that is, called back out of existence. Once an action has begun, it will attempt completion. An action may be recalled in terms of memory, but it cannot be taken back, or denied or undone.
    Your idea of consequences is derived from this fact. Nevertheless your idea of consequences takes into consideration only one small element of any given action. You perceive, in other words, only that part of an action which is projected into your own physical field, and this element you call the natural consequence of the original act. You perceive however but one flicker, one small dimension of any given action as a rule.
    Action is something like a mirror which reflects itself. In one action, basically, we can see all actions, and through one action we can reach the reality of all actions.
    The apparent dimensions within action is caused by the separation of which we spoke, when action attempts to step aside from itself. Dreams are as much action as the movement of a muscle, and the movement of a muscle is indeed as sleeplike as any dream.
    We are all within action.
    We are of it. To be outside of it is impossible. Choice however is limitless within it. In whichever direction we focus our abilities and energies, we seem to see new action, but it is merely our focus which has changed; and in changing, has formed new action. For the benefit of our visitor, let me say that action is the vitality of the universe from which all realties spring. This will make our discussion simpler.
    Again, no action may be withdrawn. Nothing is motionless. Therefore, when our visitor hesitates between his two doors, he is not motionless, but uses as much energy in indecision as should be expended in purposeful direction. Action cannot be dammed up, for it becomes explosive. There are many balances to be maintained. The dream world of which we have spoken so often is also action, and as such it affects all other action. It is not apart from your socalled physical universe, for the dream universe, through its connection with the inner self, also helps to construct physical matter—and this is no trifling matter.
    As you know, among other things dreams reflect inner expectation. For our visitor’s edification,
    dreams are created by each individual,
    and given actual molecular structure and reality, within a different field than the one with which you are usually familiar.
    Dreams cannot be taken, however, as accurate descriptions of inner expectation, since too many other elements are involved. Nevertheless, the actual individual dream world created by each individual will bear a close resemblance to the physical environment which is also created by the individual. And here we come to a subject that I mentioned briefly the other evening, and even now we will but touch upon it.
    There is much involved. The individual, any individual, may construct many possibilities in the dream world. Having problems in the physical world, he may attempt to solve them through working them out on a dream basis, trying various solutions.
    These possibilities then become actualities within the dream field. They exist as surely as they would if he acted in the same manner within the physical field. They are not myths, they are not imaginary, they do not vanish. They exist as reality within another field of actuality.
    Consciously our individual may not know what he has done. Consciously he may not even know the problems which beset him, but which he has worked out on a subconscious level. But he will have chosen his solution, and in the physical world an event will shortly occur which will be close to a duplicate to one of those dreams which he has created. When he dreamed the dream, and chose this possibility as the solution to his problems, he had already subconsciously chosen which event he would construct within the physical field.
    This is a rather tricky point, but an important one. The other possible solutions, however, still exist as reality within the dream field, and as such they continue unfolding.
    Memory is there, within the inner self. Lessons learned in the past are drawn upon. You would indeed be laden with relatives if you were aware of such past relationships.

    Basically, all action is. Basically there is no evil action. All is unfolding. With the limited perceptions that the ego has itself adopted, the whole is not visible, and it sees what it will see. Within your field, within your moral field, you must indeed strike out against that which appears evil to you. This is a responsibility laid upon you by the code of limitations which the ego itself has adopted as a part of its own nature. You may find it most difficult to follow me here without any strong affirmation. However, as you do not blame, as you do not morally blame the wind for the tumultuous hurricane, and as you do not punish the wind, so you must somehow manage to understand that a wrongdoer, in your eyes, is no more or less to blame than this. It would be foolhardy to ignore the results of such activity. Nevertheless, I tell you now that there is much you do not see or know.

    You see perhaps havoc within the physical field, and this is indeed to be faced and dealt with, and set straight, as aid is given to the victims of a hurricane. But you are familiar only with the results of action as they appear within the physical field, as long as you insist upon viewing your physical universe with the eyes of the ego-self; for the ego-self attempts to cut itself off from that action of which it is a part, and in so attempting it loses contact with this larger reality. This loss of contact applies only to the ego. It does not apply to those other portions of the self, and it is through the inner self, through inner consciousness, that to some degree the nature of action can make itself known. And when it is made known it will be seen then that which you call evil represents a falling short of value fulfillment in a particular, or in any particular, case.
    There are always,
    as I believe you realize, those who court injustice and persecution. There are always those who persecute. There are those who murder, and there are those who seek to be slain. They seek each other out for many complicated reasons. This whole subject is difficult but I will not simplify matters, as I could. I would prefer to discuss it most thoroughly. Nothing here must ever be taken as a justification for evil, in humanity’s terms. For many practical reasons at this point, and please underline at this point, it is necessary that man fight against what he considers evil, for he strengthens himself immeasurably by so doing.
    It is also true however, in a completely different framework, that evil is of his own creation, at least evil as he thinks of it. And if a crime is to be assigned in humanity’s terms, often the victim is as guilty as the murderer, in basic terms, in terms of guilt that no court can weigh.

    We all have our roles.
    As we exist within various fields we focus upon these roles to the exclusion of much else. That part of us as you know which deals with these roles is the ego, which lives intimately the role which was assigned to it by the whole self, of which it is a part.
    The health and psychic condition of an individual is not primarily determined by the ego, however. It is only when the ego is allowed too much power that the individual is deprived of much of the inner vitality of the whole self. For the ego is acquainted with only its role. It can find refreshment only within the limitations of the reality which it was formed to meet; and when it looks about with the best of intentions and sees disasters and terrors, it does not know that these others also play their roles, and that the roles are temporary. It becomes bitter and mortally frightened, with no place to turn, and it sickens the body, and shrivels, and concentrates more and more upon the morbid aspects of its environment, until it cannot even appreciate the splendid accomplishment of itself, and the joys that are peculiarly part of the ego.
    The inner self, feeling itself part of action, is aware of facets of reality of which the ego is ignorant. It knows that roles can be reversed. There is so much here to be explained, and so many questions that must be answered. For I tell you, at the risk of being misunderstood grossly, that there is only one reality, and value fulfillment, which you may, if you like, equate with goodness.
    There is no such thing as evil,
    except for the phantoms which man has made. He sees hate in his own heart, what he calls hate, which is but fear, so he projects it into another man’s face and says the man hates him; and he may slay the man. But the hate never existed, that is, what mankind thinks of as hate never existed.
    Hate is unreasoning fear. Fear is caused by lack of understanding,
    by a lack of value fulfillment. Hate is that which is not love. Love is fulfilled, or fulfilling, value fulfillment. It is action that knows itself, and that glorifies in its parts, that is separated to know itself, and in knowing itself is no longer separated.
    Hate is that which fears to join,
    and hence is separate, and that is all. If all men could learn to love, in terms of which I have spoken, then there would be no need for any kind of punishment within your field, and the word would vanish from your vocabulary. The subconscious is not the cause or the carrier of hatreds. The difficulty here is of an ego’s refusal to assimilate subconscious experience.
    The ego may assimilate only a part of a given experience. Sometimes it will not assimilate or accept an experience at all. Remember here again that there is a difference between the ego and consciousness of self. It is not necessary that the ego assimilate all experiences that are open to consciousness of self. Ego must have at hand, however, those experiences that are significant for manipulation within the physical environment.
    Any gap of assimilation here can be most unfortunate, and sometimes disastrous. Consciousness of self, if you recall, is self-consciousness that still retains self as a part of action, self that perceives its existence within action. Ego, originally a part of this consciousness of self, splits off as previously explained, and attempts to dissociate itself from action, indeed to view action as a result of itself; that is, to view action as a result and not a cause.
    Men speak of having their own personalities, as if the personality were a thing that they had in their possession, a thing fairly permanent, a concrete, always-to-be-counted-on possession.
    But the personality is always in a state of becoming, and forever changes. The personality is an excellent example of action in one aspect. It is important here also to realize that while the personality is always in motion, the motion involved here is not one of mobility in space as you know it. It is most definitely motion in terms of value fulfillment.
    There are here also thrusts in all directions, with certain identifying pulsations that underlie all, and that have their origins within the inner self. As the vitality of the universe forms, of itself, the boundaries of the various fields of activity, and as vitality itself takes on the coloration of the various fields and forms the camouflage patterns within them, so also vitality, in the form of emotions that the camouflage patterns of the personality, even while this vitality forms both emotions and personality for every individual, every consciousness, may be thought of as a separate field of activity; and all the data relating to fields of activity may be seen to apply to any consciousness as well.
    We find once again a basic reality, that of the personality, which is accepted and recognized within the physical field, even while it does not appear there as a definite physical unit. It can indeed be examined but the examination itself, being action, changes it. For the personality, true to the roles of action, will seize upon the new action and form of it new realities and unities with itself.
    The personality and the ego are not the same.
    The personality has strong connections with the inner self. The personality is that consciousness of self of which I have spoken, which is aware of itself within, and a part of, action. The ego attempts to stand apart from action, and to stand apart from the personality, and to mold the personality into a more or less permanent and stable, dependent portion of the ego itself.
    The ego would if it could, stop personality’s motion and development for the security of stability. The ego would drive the personality into preconceived channels. This consciousness-of-self—I suggest hyphens between consciousness-of-self—this consciousness-of-self is seen in man as personality, as the human personality. It appears, however, in all types of consciousness to one degree or another.
    Therefore, consciousness-of-self can appear with or without the existence of an ego. Consciousness-of-self is an attribute then of all physical species, regardless of their classification. Personality, human personality, is simply the name given to this class of self, as applied and seen within human beings. Personality changes and acts upon all other action. Personality, then, can be seen to operate as a field of action in identity; but identity that is conscious of its relation to action as a whole.
    The peculiar and individualistic aspects of personality are the result of those camouflaging abilities of which we have spoken earlier. Those portions of the personality which escape ego’s attempts to dominate are held suspect in ego’s eyes. Ego considers them as invalid and dangerous to its own supremacy.
    When ego is forced to admit that personality changes, it will do its best to avoid this knowledge. The more rigid an ego is, the more danger there is that the individual will have difficulties in all kinds of adjustments. Because of its nature ego does not want to adjust. It wants adjustments to be made to it. Because ego is another manifestation of action, it is of course impossible for its aims to be realized. For all its attempts at stability and control, ego itself constantly changes. Ego most of all resents and fights against time as you know it, yet ego is to a large extent responsible for your conception of time.
    Basically, ego fears both the past and the present. It fears the past because it has already lost control of the past. It fears the future because it is not yet in control of it. It seeks continuity of identity, yet it is forced to realize that the “I” of today is hardly the “I” of thirty years ago.
    It is the ego which fears death so strongly. And yet the stability which ego so urgently seeks would, indeed, result in a death, since no further action would be allowed.
    Ego also fears spontaneity,
    for it cannot control action; being a part of action, most of its efforts of necessity are thwarted. Yet it is precisely this struggle between ego’s struggles for stability, and the personality’s attempt to expand spontaneously, that is at the basis of much of mankind’s achievements, and that is certainly the basis for much of his art.
    In his art we have the nostalgia of the ego for past time, and for lost control of a self that has already vanished, and changed into something new. It is ego who plans for the future, trying to anticipate the environment in which it must operate. Its anticipations, of course, then form that environment. The ego therefore is a very necessary force within your field. It is also, regardless of current psychological beliefs, the basis for aggression, in general.

    All aggression is not detrimental, for example. Because the personality is that part of the individual which is conscious of itself as a part of action, and therefore aware of its relation with action, the personality is that part of the individual which survives physical death. The personality is not the whole self. It is a portion of the whole self, which is activated during a particular existence. The ego, as I have explained, does not vanish. However, it must always be remembered here that the ego is not the self-conscious self in its entirety by any means. It is simply a portion, a field of focus whereby the self attempts to objectify itself within the world of matter. It simply ceases to so objectify itself, but it retains, or the self retains, memory of that objectification.

    The personality necessarily continues to change after physical death. After physical death the personality simply ceases to project itself, as a rule, within the physical field, and no longer focuses within it. The personality is much more extensive and expansive than you realize. Theoretically, the self is unlimited, if you will recall. The ego within your field is limited because of the nature of its rigidity. The ego operates as a partitioning agent. It directs and uses the abilities of the personality for manipulation in the physical universe. It can mobilize a smaller or larger amount of these energies according to its own strength. It has a small focus but a powerful one.

    I mentioned earlier that the personality is an excellent example of action as it is sometimes projected into the physical field, while not appearing within it in tangible form. For here we see many of action’s characteristics: the mobility that does not necessarily involve space, the thrusts outward, and the corresponding thrusts inward. We see action acting upon itself and constant change.

    A thorough study of the personality will be an excellent exercise, and will lead you close to the nature of action itself. The experiences about which you asked, for example, involved actions of the personality and not, of course, of the ego. Expansion and contraction occur constantly as characteristic of action, as I have explained. The ego is scarcely conscious of these. Your experiences occurred when the ego, because of your illness, was momentarily exhausted, its control lessened. The personality was then momentarily aware of realities that the ego would ordinarily attempt to block. These were pulsations, in actuality of corresponding strength, but interpreted differently by you.
    If I did not make it clear, let me repeat that the personality is a portion of the inner self. There are interchanges here, so that certain parts of the personality will seem to vanish. In such cases, for various reasons, the inner self simply sees no reason for their continued focus in the physical field.
    There is a very delicate balance always maintained, and later on we will have a whole section of our material that will deal with the personality in relation to other phenomena. We are speaking of it this evening mainly in terms of its reality as a part of action. As we speak of such subjects in their relation to various phenomena, again it must be kept in mind that such realities are being considered often from one aspect only, but that their reality extends into many other dimensions.
    Many of these dimensions cannot be discussed at this time. But you will see, indeed, that the nature of action, or the nature of any reality, is greatly colored by the viewpoint or dimension from which it is examined. It is my purpose here to examine for you reality from as many different aspects as possible, lifting you from the limitations of your own dimensions, and allowing you the advantage of others.

    There is no particular and definite line between the ego and the personality and the inner self. They must merely be discussed in such terms. There is, believe it or not, no particular and specific and definite boundary between what is self and not self. If we isolate such portions of reality for the sake of discussion, such isolation is artificial, and in no way affects the nature of reality itself.

    Such a remark may appear so simple that it is not worth saying, but it is extremely important that it be understood. In like manner, there is indeed no particular boundary or line of demarcation between the dream universe and the physical universe. Any seeming barrier is artificial, for all these realities merge one into the other, and an action in one affects the other. The self is extended, so to speak, existing within many dimensions. It extends as vitally and actually in the dream universe as it does in your own physical universe. It is as much a part of the electrical universe as it is a part of the world of psychological motivation. The intertwinings are infinite in all directions.
    The ego fears death,
    yet in the space of your own physical lifetime portions of the self have undergone like transformations endless times, of which the ego is unaware.
    It is most important, again, to realize that action does not move in a straight line. Action may have mass. It may not have mass in other instances. Action will never have one effect only. This is a rather important point. Whenever an action seems to have but one effect, then there is a lack in perceptive abilities. Action within your field may appear to be affected by your time, but only that part of action which is physically materialized will be so affected. Action may appear to be at rest, but is never at rest, or stationary, or permanent. Action may appear to have a beginning and an ending but this is, again, an error of perception.
    Action which is materialized within your plane appears within your field, and disappears from your field. This in no way affects the basic nature of action itself. That is, it does not change the basic laws of action. Action will change both within your physical field and outside your physical field. You are only aware of a small part of action, that portion which is materialized within your system. You say that an action has begun when it enters your system. You say that an action is completed when it passes beyond your system. But the action, in those terms, began long before; and the action, in those terms, is never completed. Yet even the action as it occurs within your system is constantly changing in the ways which we have described, and this changing in itself implies infinities of beginnings and endings within action itself, with no ending, a real or permanent ending, and no beginning, a real beginning out of nothing. For each beginning carries within it action which has come before. Again here, when I speak in terms of before and after, I speak only for your convenience, for there is no before or after, only all action within the spacious present, occurring out of itself, spontaneously, into all directions, and forming of itself all the infinite fields and systems of actuality.

  • Book 5. SESSIONS 199-239 10/18/65-03/07/66

    As you know, the inner senses
    belong to that part of human personality that is not physically materialized. At various times I have spoken concerning the reality of what you refer to as the astral body. You must remember that over a year ago we discussed tissue capsules. The astral body is of this nature. It is composed of electromagnetic components. It is simply the unseen self. This does not mean that it cannot be seen on occasion, but it cannot be perceived through use of the unaided physical senses. Il is thai indeed which contains the memories .and experiences, in codified units, ol the present individual. It is that part which survives physical death. It is that part which in physical life is intertwined with the physical image. The basic consciousness is never physical. Yet within your system it must collect experience within the physical system, hence the physical body. But experience itself is not physical, and cannot be contained within physical matter. Therefore this experience, collected within the physical field, is held in codified form by this inner self or astral identity. It is only by understanding the connection between the physical and nonphysical self, and the communication systems that operate here, that the true nature of human personality can be studied. While we are dealing now with your own species, it should be realized that all consciousness also possesses its own astral identity. The inner senses are part of this nonphysical self. They allow the personality to retain its relationship with nonphysical reality, permitting the material self to focus within its earthly environment. The inner senses collect information of which the conscious self may not be aware. The astral identity of course is aware of communications from both the inner and outer environment. The astral identity is therefore actually a more complete representation of the whole personality, and its abilities are far-reaching. The inner ego of which we have spoken is the director of this astral identity. The inner ego is then the "I" of the astral body.

    The inner ego
    is then this inner identity. It is closely allied with the entity, and connects a reality that is purely psychic, the reality of the entity, with a reality that is mainly physical, the reality of the physical self. The inner senses perceive the psychic reality and transmit messages from it. We speak of these as separate, again, only for convenience, for we have but various abilities and various aspects of a self. The divisions are arbitrary. This is very important. Now. Regard the inner senses in connection with the nature of action and electromagnetic reality, for the perceptions of the inner senses are themselves action, and as such they change both the perceiver and the thing perceived. You can see then that even this astral image is always in motion and never static, and its condition alters the physical self even'as the physical self acts upon the astral image. Any dream is experienced differently by these various aspects of the self. There is not one objective dream that is merely perceived in various fashions. The various levels of the self create their own dreams, which do have meanings to all layers of the personality. But you cannot think of a dream as a concrete block that is for example chipped off in pieces that then apply to these imaginary levels. All of these aspects of the self are so intertwined that arbitrary distinctions must be made for you simply to explain them.

    Incidentally, suggestion
    will reach many aspects of the self, and some which are very distant from the ego, for you are setting into motion psychic action, which is behind all realities. Suggestion will reach portions of the self of which the ego is entirely unfamiliar. Suggestion can indeed change experience which has already passed. It can change the individual's present reaction to the past event, and alter the original implications and meanings that were once connecred with such an event. Suggestion can shape future events because any action changes that which existed before it, and that which shall exist after it within your system. This is different however from cause and effect for basically a specific action will not give a specific effect, only. Within your system, you only perceive certain actions out of an endless variety of actions. So you take these few as inevitable results of a given cause.

    Suggestion then can shape the future. Expectation enters in here particularly of course. Suggestion can shape dreams, and the dreams themselves then operate as action. A strong dream can be a more significant psychic action than any physical experience, and it can change the course of the personality completely. The inner senses will also react to suggestion. If you therefore suggest that you become more aware of their activities, then so you shall. You are giving suggestions, whether or not you realize it, constantly. You are forming your own physical image with all its strengths and weaknesses whether or not you are aware of it. Suggestion, well used, with training and knowledge, will therefore allow you to alter the very cells of your body. The inner senses can be requested to operate in such a way that the ego will accept their communications. For the astral body is not some distant and alien other self, but it is even now that portion of yourself that you know but cannot see, that you feel but cannot touch. One dream can change the development of a personality, and change his physical course. To those of us not within your system, we can turn into that dream, pick it up in other words. But the dream is not predestined, and the dream develops because of the personality involved. You have more free will than you imagine, for you have not only your present personality with which to work. You have on a subconscious level all the knowledge and experience of your previous selves upon which to build. Your dreams are free from the restrictions imposed by your ego, and your dreams affect your daily life much more than you know. For situations appear in them that affect your actions, and these are elements from your own previous selves.

    For a psychic communication to take place
    the communication must fall wit hin the particular range of electromagnetic reality that can be picked up by the receiver, and by that particular level of the receiver's self that is able to translate it into meaningful terms. If, that is, you want any kind of proof. Otherwise the communication is simply received and acted upon automatically without leaving a trace. It merely becomes part of a new action, giving no evidence of its source. In a trance state the electromagnetic aura that surrounds and is a part of the physical body, changes. The changes can be perceived through the use of several instruments, and by some individuals without instruments. A certain instability is set up electromagnetically that allows the individual to handle greater frequencies and ranges. In a fully ego-oriented state of consciousness this is not so, for the ego constantly tries to maintain a rigid electromagnetic balance. This is obviously impossible, but in the attempt egotistical identity is helped in its efforts to maintain a more or less closed system of perceptions.

    Those realities which are primary and basic
    you can never escape from. This should give you an idea, for those realities which run through all systems, and which are primaries, are those which exist for you in all conditions of consciousness and under any circumstances. If ever in a dream experience you defy gravity, then gravity is not a primary reality, but only a manifestation within your own physical system. If clock time is escaped within the dream state, then clock time is not a primary. What you cannot escape within any range of consciousness, can be called a Primary Condition, and you may capitalize the term.

    Incidentally, if it is not now known by your scientists, it will be shortly discovered that the physical organism does not age in sleep at the same rate at which it ages in the waking state. Aging, therefore, is not a primary. Again, this does nor mean that secondary conditions such as aging and gravity and clock time, do not have effects within your system, obviously. It is only that these must be recognized as secondary conditions that do not therefore basically affect the inner self, which is to a large degree independent of your system. A recognition of the differences between primary and secondary conditions can however allow you to minimize the effect of the secondary conditions to some considerable degree. Here now once more, let me repeat that thoughts are definite electromagnetic realities. Therefore, being actions, they affect all other actions, and if I repeat this in session after session, I do so, so that it will never be forgotten. Therefore these secondary conditions are strengthened through the very act, or misact, of thinking that they are primary rather than secondary elements in action. Two men for example, of precisely the same physical age, of precisely the same physical condition, will be in completely different states of mind, of competence, of effectiveness and of strength, as a direct result of their inner beliefs as to their relative freedom within the framework of the physical system in which they exist.

    The man who does not realize his basic independence from the physical system
    will not have the same freedom within it. He will be at all times a prisoner of clok time and of aging, for he will consider these the primary conditions under which he must operate. You will find it a most rewarding experience, once these experiments have been begun, for you will yourselves discover the difference between primary and secondary conditions. Obviously the secondary conditions are to some extent necessary for your survival as a physical organism, but you are more than a physical organism now, and you shall be other than a physical organism in your future. And the conditions that are necessary, the primary conditions that are necessary for your existence as other than a physical organism, already exist, therefore, and can be perceived and studied with the equipment which is a part of every individual.
    If an experience is a part of the waking state, but not a part of the sleeping state, if it is part of the sleeping state but not a part of the waking state, then it is not a primary experience. This, again, is not to say that it is not real, but that it is not a primary reality that is more or less constant for the inner self. If an experience is a part of all levels of consciousness—this includes the trance state—then it is a primary experience. Identity of the inner self operates very well within primary conditions. It is dependent upon primary conditions. Its manipulation of primary conditions gives it the knowledge of itself. Identity is retained within the dream state, is it not? Yet within the dream state the familiar physical props sometimes disappear. The inner I operates very well without them. In order to manipulate a physical reality however, the inner I needs a self that is acclimated to physical conditions; hence the ego.

    As you know therefore we have differentiated between an outer ego,
    who manipulates within physical reality, and an inner ego who directs the activities of the inner self. Now then, the next step should indeed be clear. In the main, the ego deals with secondary realities, and in the main, the inner ego deals with primaries. Nevertheless primaries also exist within the physical universe, and secondaries appear often as props within the dream world. Again, none of these issues are clear-cut, and the distinctions, many of them, are for simplicity's sake. Many primaries will show secondary characteristics. For example, within your clock time there are definite primary characteristics of time as it exists in a primary condition. Once more, even the word time is misleading, but within the boundaries of your clock reality every individual feels at times - but you see that the use of the word itself binds us—but every individual feels now and then the primary sense of existence that is not arbitrarily divided into moments and hours; and lie therefore escapes from a secondary condition into the realization of a primary reality behind it. There is no way to probe the realities of consciousness except that a personality travels through all levels of consciousness open to him, and do so in such a way that he can retain and apply the information that he receives in these inner travels.

    The potentialities of human personality
    cannot be examined as one would crack open a nut to see what is inside. The dream experience is a living, moving action. To some extent it can never be captured. Your identity is dependent upon primary reality, which is a certain kind of action. The hypnotic state is simply a level of awareness in which the personality is freewheeling, so to speak, dissociated from physical reality in its usual terms.
    Talking represents a primary, the primary of communication. Walking represent a primary, the primary of motion. In your sleep you may have greeted friends who are strangers to your waking self. But consider the other side of the coin. For when you are asleep, you cannot find the street upon which you live your waking hours, and when you are asleep you do not know you waking self. The sleeping self is your identity. Now there are indeed connections between these two conditions. And there are definite realities that exist in both states, and these uniting realities will be what you are looking for. For only by finding these can you discover the nature of the human personality and the nature of reality within which it must operate.

    As I have told you, all action is basically spontaneous.
    Only your perception of it adds the illusion of time to action. You think, for example, that any given action consumes or devours or takes up a certain amount of time. Therefore you think of time as something that contains action. The dimensions of action itself have nothing to do, basically, with your conception of time. Instead the dimensions of action have to do with intensities; not only the intensities of the electromagnetic components that compose them, but with intensities as they are translated into psychological terms. Therefore the psychological experience of a particular event or action has little to do with clock time. It is instead composed of the intensity with which it is felt by a given individual. When you speak in terms of the depth of a river, you speak in terms of distance, physical distance. When you speak in terms of the depth of a psychological experience or action, you mean something else entirely, for this is a depth of intensity. And you travel through an experience only so far as your own experience of intensity will allow you.
    The psychological feeling of intensity has its own electromagnetic reality. An action is an experienced intensity, and need not involve motion in physical terms. As I have said, every action is a part of every other action, and affects every other action, and is also so affected itself. This is not however your cause and effect theory at all. For the actions are spontaneous basically, again, and the effects exist so swiftly that it is impossible to say that one occurs before or after the other, or causes another. This could be likened to some gigantic, spontaneous motion that happens very swiftly.

    The ego
    attempts to break down action into smaller and smaller units. The intuitions try to perceive action as a whole. The ego breaks down for purposes of examination, the intuitions construct. Both the ego and the intuitions, in performing their functions, obviously create action. The self may of course be considered as a gestalt of action, perceived in a different manner by various levels of itself. The ego is also somewhat like a light carried in front of the inner self, a light that gives meaning to the physical universe and to its objects. It enables the inner self to manipulate within physical reality. Ir translates outer data to the inner personality.

    Lets say that self A is the physical self in the physical universe. He i s composed of physical matter, he is composed of psychological matter, a portion of this latter being ego. Self A is indeed more than physical matter, even while he exists within the physical dimension. In the dreaming state and in other states of consciousness, he can indeed to some degree become aware of perceptions which will be neglected by the ego alone. In other words, psychologically there is only one portion of self A that is limited in its perceptions to the physical dimension, and that is the ego. But self A is not limited to the ego's perceptions only, therefore it may be said that self A's perceptions are not limited, in toto, to the field in which it exists. For it is not so limited in dreams and in other states, yet while consciousness is in these other conditions, self A still exists within physical reality. Imagine that you have had ten reincarnations. These reincarnations all represent portions of your entity, living or experiencing sensation at various times within a physical time system. The entity has awareness of these ten portions of itself. Consciously however no one of the ten personalities is aware of the others, nor of the entity. Each of the ten egos travels along an egotistical time of successive moments. We understand that subconsciously much more knowledge is available, but not to the ego as a rule. If you direct your inner self with confidence to steer you through your physical existence, it will do so. If you concentrate upon difficulties you will not allow it to do so. When you allow disturbances to upset you, then you become concentrated so deeply within ego time that you close off those very abilities that you need to help you.

    The point is simply to do your best,
    so that you gradually learn not to inhibit your reactions to them, but to change the nature of your habitual reactions to them. Otherwise you concentrate your creative energies, all of your energies, upon the disturbance itself, and interpret all other data in the light of that disturbance. In other words you put yourself into a position where you focus your attention upon very negative influences. With confidence in your inner abilities however your practical problems will effectively be taken care of when you do not dwell upon them, and greater mobility will be achieved as far as other layers of the self are concerned.

    In essence you see the past can be changed.
    Present actions can change future events that would otherwise occur. But when this is admitted, then we must admit also that present events can alter the past, for there is no element in the past that has a different structure or composition or characteristic, that is not present in the future. Time does not have certain characteristics when you view it as past, or when you view it as future, or when you view it as present. Any seeming difference between the past and the future is simply due to your own perception. Take for example then the house in which Ruburt spent his childhood. Now as you know, that was never one definite unchanging object. That house was a conglomeration of atoms and molecules, perceived generally as a house, bin perceived specifically by everyone who saw it as a slightly different house. For each observer quite literally created from his own subconscious energy an approximation of a house, a general shape then perceived as a house, and further embellished by personal judgments.

    It was, say, in 1943 (even then merely a portion of space perceived by all who saw it in their own light. It did not exist devoid or apart from those who viewed it. Time inversion would merely permit the recreation of a particular perception. The year for example 1943 was simply an artificial collection of events loosely agreed upon. The past exists to the same extent that the present or future exists, and it is only the perception that is limited. The past exists as a series of electromagnetic connections, held in the physical brain on the one hand, but it also consists of the same sort of realities retained in the nonphysical mind. These electromagnetic connections can be changed. The present exists in a series of electromagnetic connections in both the brain and the mind, and this is the only reality which you are j u s t i f i ed in giving to y o u r present.
    In other words the past and the present are real to the same extent. At limes in fact the past can become more real than the present, and in such cases past actions are reacted to in the present. You take it for granted that present action can alter the future, but present actions can also alter the past. The past is no more objective, no more independent from the perceiver, than is the present. These electromagnetic connections which compose the past were largely made by the individual perceiver, and the perceiver of course is always a participator.

    The connections therefore can be changed at any time,
    and such changes are far from uncommon. They happen spontaneously on a subconscious basis a good deal of the time. The past was seldom what you remember it to be, for you have already rearranged it from the instant of any given occurrence. There is of course a composite past that is composed of such individual electromagnetic connections, and this composite past is not the same past that once existed, in those terms. The past itself is being continually recreated by every individual, as attitudes and associations change. This is an actual recreation, and not a symbolic one. The child is indeed still within the man, but he is not the child that once was, in those terms. For even the child within the man continually changes, and again I am not speaking of symbolic change.
    Now. Difficulties are caused when such changes in the past do not occur automatically. Such difficulties as severe neurosis are often caused precisely because the individual has not automatically changed his past. Once more, the only reality that can be assigned to the past is that granted to the symbols and associations and memory images that exist electromagnetically both within the physical brain and within the mind. But this is the only reality that can be granted to the present. I am speaking now in your terms only, and this point should be clearly understood, for I am simplifying conditions considerably. A change of attitude, a new association, any of innumerable other actions, will automatically set up new electromagnetic connections, and break others. Now part of this we shall explain later, for these changes obviously affect both the future and the past. But the past, again, is continually changed by you, and by every individual. For basically you see, it is not something done and finished with, as is supposed. And you are more free than you imagine to completely alter many aspects of your own past. If you say that the future is dependent upon the past, therefore, you must also say that the past is dependent upon the future. Once more, the past was never an independent, concrete object existing apart from the perceiving participator; for he made his past, and its only reality exists in the electromagnetic connections within his own organic and psychic structure.
    Every action changes every other action.
    Therefore every action in the present affects those actions which you call the past. Ripples from a thrown stone go out in all directions. Remembering what you now know about the nature of time, you should know that the apparent boundaries between past, present and future are only illusions, caused by the amount of action you can physically perceive. Therefore, it is more than possible to react in the past to an event that has not yet occurred, to be influenced by your own future. It is more than possible for an individual to react in the past to an event in the future which may never occur. No event is destined to occur, and it can be changed, not only before and during, but after its occurrence. There are certain limitations set here that must be clearly stated; but within these limitations you will find that events can be changed, and are constantly changed, regardless of the point or the apparent point of their original occurrence.

    All of this applies unless for example an individual is taken completely out of the physical time system. A murdered man will not be returned to physical life in the same fashion, whole and intact, as he was before the murder, for example; for he has been taken out of the particular system of action of which we are speaking. He may return to the system however, as you know, through reincarnation. Many changes may occur however in that same point for the murderer who is still within the system.
    The child exists within the man, yes, but he is not the same child. The memories that he thinks are the child's memories are not memories of a particular event that happened to the child. That is, they do not contain a precise picture of any particular incident that occurred. Each incident is recreated when the memory of it arises, but the memory is changed with each recreation, and subtly changed.
    The past is, then, continually changed. The electromagnetic connections themselves, that make up any particular event—these connections, even while seemingly intact, have changed. The energy that composes them is not the same, and the past is constantly altered. Nothing can stand still, including the past, and any such appearance of stability is an illusion. It is as much an illusion to believe that the past has vanished, as it is to believe that the future does not exist. The past does not vanish, for there was no past to vanish, in those terms. You no longer perceive the past, therefore you think that it has vanished, and the self that you were has gone. But that particular moment, any particular moment, that you think of as the past, existed before your egotistical perception of it, and is constantly being changed by you, even when you no longer consciously perceive it. For the inner self can perceive it, and does change it. The idea of inverted time states that time flows in all directions, and that as each action affects every other action, so time constantly affects itself and continually reacts within itself. The past moment is never completed. Consciously you have simply lost sight of it, and have not followed it through in its endless depths.

    When the inverted time system is understood
    for what it is, then the individual is in contact simultaneously with the experience gained in the so-called past, and is also able to take advantage of events which have not yet occurred within your present. This does not mean that he will be consciously aware of future events, for if you remember these events can be changed by him at any time. He is constantly making his own experience. He is constantly forming the events of the past, even as he forms the events of the present and future. In many respects the individual is not at the mercy of past events, for he changes them constantly. He is not therefore at the mercy of future events, for he changes these also, not only before but also after their occurrence. So-called hunches indeed are often caused by an inner recognition that a given event might occur. As you know, there is no cause and effect as you understand it. Nevertheless there are probabilities. Now basically it is not true to say that an individuals decisions must be based upon concrete events within his own past, nor that he is largely imprisoned by his past, nor that his future actions are predetermined by his past experience. For as you now understand the past is as real as the future, no more and no less. The past exists as far as the individual is concerned as a pattern of electromagnetic currents within the brain, and these connections constandy change.

    The individual can change past action
    within however the limitations earlier mentioned in our last session. Therefore his future actions are not dependent upon a concrete and unchanging past, for such a past never existed. I would like these points made most clearly. Now. An event foreseen through precognition or clairvoyance, a future event, may or may not actually occur within time as you know it. For you are seeing into probabilities, and the probable event may or may not occur, within your time system. Such an event will however occur within another time system, for all probabilities become actual, although you may not perceive them.

    It is extremely difficult for a psychological structure to view itself,
    for in order to do so it must lift itself from the limitations and abilities of its own nature. Step out of your own system to some small extent; the very attempt, or successful attempt, results in an extension of the self out of the system in which you were nurtured; the emergence of a self that observes the self of which you have been ordinarily aware; a self with a slightly different time system, a slightly different viewpoint of reality, a self with greater control over the physical material that composes your physical image, a self with some quite effective control over your personal future. Contrary to popular thought, while everyone has so-called psychic abilities, they must be trained in specific areas of accomplishment.

    There is a constant give and take
    between psychic and chemical components which actually cause your daily weather, your weather cycles, seasons, droughts and storms. This physical weather then in its turn affects and changes the psychic atmosphere of each individual. The force that causes your weather can be thought of as self-generating. Ultimately it is not self-generating, but for the purposes of our discussion it may be termed so. The force originates within the psychic or nonphysical aspects of each living creature within your system. This force acts as a balancing mechanism for the psychic structures, and through use of it living forms create and maintain in a most basic manner their own physical environment.
    This is not to be taken as a symbolic idea, for I am speaking in quite practical terms. Not only does the human system for example become influenced chemically, electronically and psychically by physical weather, but also the human system electronically, electromagnetically, chemically and psychically affects and creates the climate in which existence is possible. The chemical connections are the most easily discovered. The discovery however comes about, or is coming about, as a result of studies made concerning the effect of physical weather upon the individual, in chemical terms. It will take longer before it is at all realized that the individual also affects the weather. Nevertheless some of this is, or should be, obvious. It is known that photosynthesis affects most vitally the makeup of your atmosphere, for example.
    The biological methods by which each individual utilizes oxygen are well known, but no assumptions have been drawn from this knowledge. Now I shall tell you that physical weather is also caused in part by psychic energy, rushing through the human system and through the systems of all living creatures, and also by an excess, a chemical excess, beyond that which the individual organism can handle.

    The chemical energy is above that which is ordinarily needed by the individual physical organism, yet it must be used. The utilization comes about subconsciously. This blizzard, and the last storm of last week, both of these are beneficial primarily. Now the physical organism simply cannot handle all of the energy that is available to it. It has abundant energy, not only to care for itself but to create a favorable physical environment. Without the outlet, the constructive outlet provided it in the formation of its own weather environments, the physical organism would have little balance or stability.
    As emotional storms may be the result of a lack of discipline or of knowledge, or of control of one or more portions of the self, bringing about a corresponding exaggeration or growth of other portions of the self, so also erratic physical storms come from the same causes on a collective basis, but with the energy directed outward and often turned to a constructive purpose. Though this is not always the case. A physical storm may, as you know, be far more disastrous than an emotional one. But a physical storm is a collective endeavor, and can be compared, if it is disastrous, only with disastrous collective emotional storms such as those that sweep across nations, when all minds seem seized by irrationality.

    Action is action whether or not you perceive it,
    and probable events are events whether or not you perceive them as such. Thoughts are indeed events therefore. Wishes and desires are events. As you know, wishes and desires also influence those actions which will be perceived by you as actual events in the physical universe. The human system responds fully as much to these events as it does to physical events. In the dream state often portions of these probable events are experienced in a semiconscious manner.

    Let us consider the following. The individual within your system and this is quite simplified—an individual finds himself with a choice of three actions. He chooses one of these and experiences it within the physical field. The other two actions are experienced however, but not within the physical system. The results of the other two actions are perceived by the inner ego. The results are then checked by the inner ego against the action that was chosen for actuality within the physical system. These results are then sent to certain portions of the subconscious, where through this information knowledge is gained as to whether or not the ego and the subconscious made the best decision under the circumstances.
    The results are retained, to be checked against future decisions, and to be used by the physical self as an aid in making future decisions. The probable actions were definitely perceived and experienced however, and these experiences make up the existence of this other portion of the self, as indeed dream actions make up the experience and existence of the dream self, or of the I as it exists within the dream state. Now through hypnosis it has been ascertained that this dreaming I has memory of its past existence, which is made up of past dreams. You may call this the dreaming personality if you prefer, but it amounts to another self. Now the I who experiences probable events, not chosen for experience in the physical universe, has the same kind of identity and memory as this dream self. There is a constanr subconscious interchange of information between these portions of the self. If you must think in layers to make this clearer, then this probable self would exist on the other side of the subconscious from the ego.

    The dreaming self
    is to some considerable degree conscious of the self which we shall here term the probable self. The probable self is somewhat like a twin self to the dreaming personality, for neither the experiences of the dreaming self nor the probable self occur within the complete radius of physical reality. There is a constant give and take between the probable self and the dreaming self, for much data is received, particularly by the dreaming personality from the probable self, or the self that experiences what the ego would term probable events.
    This data is often wound by the dreaming self into a dream drama, which informs the subconscious of dangers, or of the probable success, of any given event which is being considered by the subconscious as suitable for physical actuality. In other words the ego is not familiar with the probable self, but certain portions of the subconscious are. For the subconscious, like the probable self, is aware of its existence in the inverted time system. The subconscious is aware of many realities which are not accepted by the ego as actual physical events, and it reacts to many stimuli of which the ego is completely unaware.

    Were it not for the experience of this probable self and for the information which it gives, via the dreaming self to the subconscious, then it would be most difficult for the ego to come to any kind of a decision within the physical universe. The ego does not realize the data that is constantly feeding into it. It cannot afford to, generally, since all its focused energy must be used in the maintenance and manipulation of physical actuality. This probable self has operated in each incarnation, in each materialization of the whole personality, and has therefore at its command literally millions of probable situations and conditions upon which to make value judgments. The decision as to whether or not a particular probable event should be perceived as a physical one depends, of course, upon the nature of the ego which would then experience it. The probable self does not make the decision, but merely passes on the data which it has received through its own experience with the event. The information is sifted often through the dreaming self to the subconscious, which has intimate knowledge of the ego with which it is closely connected. The subconscious makes its own value judgments here, and passes these on to the ego. But then the ego must come to its own decision.

    In some cases the decision is made by the subconscious.
    However, for various reasons often the ego will simply refuse to make the decision. Occasionally when a decision has been made by the ego, the subconscious will change it, because the decision is obviously such an unwise one. If the ego were allowed to make all the choices, with no veto power from other layers of the self, you would all be in a sad position indeed.

    In the materialization of personality through various incarnations, only the ego and the layers of the personal subconscious adopt new characteristics. The other layers of the self retain their past experiences, identity and knowledge. The ego receives, in fact, much of its stability because of this subconscious retention. Were it not for past experiences in other lives on the part of deeper layers of the self, the ego would find it almost impossible to relate to other individuals, and the cohesiveness of society would not exist. Learning to some extent is indeed passed on through the genes, biochemically, but this is a physical materialization of inner knowledge achieved and retained from past lives. Human beings learn mainly through experience, and the experience is derived from past experience in other existences. The human organism does not spring full blown, erupt into existence at birth, and laboriously then begin its first attempt to gain experience. If this were the case you would still be back in the stone ages.

    Now there are indeed waves of energy, and waves of reincarnational patterns, for there have been many stone ages on your planet, where new identities began their first experience with physical existence, and changed the face of the earth as they progressed. They changed it in their own individual ways, and not in your ways. But this will be discussed at a much later time. Yet all of this occurs, basically, within the blinking of an eyelid, so to speak, yet all with purpose and with meaning, and based upon achievement and responsibility. Each portion of the self, while independent to some considerable degree, is nevertheless responsible to every other portion of the self, and each whole self, or individuality, is responsible to all others while it is still largely independent as to activity and decision. For as many layers of the self compose the whole self, so many selves form a gestalt of which you know relatively little, and of which I am not yet prepared to tell you.

    Once more, the field of probabilities
    does not consist of imaginative fancy, nor of nebulous activity. It is quite as real as the physical universe. The experiences that are encountered there by other portions of the self are used by the whole self, and the knowledge thus gains is invaluable. Not only in terms of overall experience, but also as a means of training the ego, and the subconscious, to choose between various activities. All of this data is instantly available to layers of the self, and only the ego is not aware of this field. It would be snowed under completely. Now, this field of probabilities has existed in your past, and formed your present. It constantly expands, as does your own universe. It is never static. From it you choose those patterns of thought which you will weave into the physical matter of your universe. The dreaming self sees both fields, and operates in each.
    It should be realized that the probable self also has its dreams. This probable shield seeds many other systems beside the one physical system with which you arc familiar. The probable field is strongly composed of thought images, not physically materialized, but extremely vivid and actual storehouses of energy. Here is the material from which all pasts and presents and futures are made. It is far from a closed system in any way. Not only does it feed the physical universe, but in it many aspects of your own dreams become actual. Do you dream of an apple? Do you dream of a child, who has no existence in physical reality? Often these exist in the field of probability.

    If you would have some idea of what the probable universe system is like, then examine your own dreams, looking for those events which do not have any strong (underline) resemblance to physical events in your own conscious existence. Look for dream individuals with whom you are not acqainted in your waking life. Look for landscapes that appear bizarre or alien, for all of these exisi somewhere. You have perceived them. They do nor exist in the space which you know, but neither are they nonexistent, merely imaginative toys of the dreaming mind, without substance. You may not be able to make sense from what appears to be a chaotic jumble of disconnected images and actions. The main reason for your confusion is your inability as an egotistical identity to perceive an order that is not based upon continuity of moments. The order within the probable system is based upon something that could be compared to subjective associations, or intuitive flashes of insight, that can combine elements that would appear to the ego as quite disconnected, into whole and integrated patterns of action.

    Now. In reality the possible system does not achieve its order through subjective association, but the term, subjective association, is the nearest that I can come in approximating the basic causes for this order. The word subjective, to you, implies immediately that which is not objective. However the events and actions of the probable system are indeed objective and concrete within their own field of reality. Your own physical system, you should remember, is only real and concrete within its own field. It is for this reason mainly that the physical system is so little perceived by you when you sleep. You withdraw yourself to a large extent from the physical field of actuality, but you do not only withdraw from the physical system. You enter other fields of actuality. Sleep is far from a negative state. In the sleep state there are as you know several stages. Some of these you call dream states, because the ego is aware upon awakening that some kind of mental activity has occurred. But there are other states which the ego does not recall, states of activity that are presently beyond the reach of current scientific endeavors, and these states we shall discuss rather thoroughly. First of all, some of these states of activity take place so far beneath the ego or the subconscious that you simply do not know of them.

    Some of these states take place above the ego or the subconscious, although I am using the terms above or below simply for your convenience. You think of the ego as the center of the self, therefore I am forced to use these terms. You think the other portions ol the personality revolve about the ego. The ego is only one layer of the self that has self-consciousness. Being selfconscious, the ego attempts to be conscious only of itself. Self-consciousness results in an intense, but necessarily limited focus. It necessitates boundaries. It depends upon some sort of inner psychological decision as to what will be considered self, and therefore accepted by consciousness, and that which will be considered notself, and not accepted by consciousness.

    Now, my dear friends, your self-consciousness is the self-consciousness of the ego which you know, and which you consider your self. But where this self -conscious self ends, another self-conscious self begins. The two selves, being self-conscious selves, cannot be aware of any reality but their own. They cannot be consciously aware of each other. Now the ego interprets all it perceives mainly in terms of its self. Other portions of the self, also selfconscious, interpret what they perceive in terms of themselves. Each layer, or each area of the whole self, imagines that it is the center of awareness, and that the whole self revolves about it. So far you have had little experience with these other "centers"—you may put that in quotation marks—but before too long we shall give you some ideas so that you may become at least slightly acquainted. Initially this will be done through suggestion on a subconscious level.

    You have become somewhat aware of the subconscious. This means that your ego has enlarged its conception of the self, of itself, to include certain activities of which it is now aware. Progress in the development of personality in the long run will be determined by the ability of the whole self to recognize and become aware of all of its self-conscious portions. The subconscious is a self-conscious portion of the whole self. It is called subconscious because the ego as a rule is not conscious of it. The subconscious, so-called, is aware to some extent of the ego, regarding it as an extension of itself, over which it does not have as much control as it would like. This is precisely however the way the ego views the subconscious, as a rule. These two self-conscious portions of the self simply happen to coincide or to coexist with some proximity, psychologically speaking. There are other self-conscious portions of the self however, with which the ego is not at all familiar, but of which the subconscious has intuitive knowledge. These self-conscious portions of the self exist in different reality systems. However there is a whole self, composed ol these various self-conscious selves, and that a portion of the sell is indeed aware of the unily that exists to form the whole psychological gestalt. The inverted time system recognizes the actual nature of time, however. The mind as opposed to the brain, perceives time in terms of the spacious present. It is true that the mind works on associative principles. Therefore these associations are drawn not only from the past, but also from the future.

    Take an example here.
    Frederick Y. becomes ill whenever he smells a certain perfume. He does not know the reason. A psychologist would explain this reaction by presuming some kind of unpleasant event occurred in the past. An event that was connected with his sensual perception of this particular perfume. The explanation is a good possible one. However, it is the only one that your psychologists would consider, and at least two other possible explanations exist. Frederick may be reacting to an unpleasant event experienced within the dream state, where in the dream the upsetting situation was accompanied by the odor of a particular perfume. Frederick however could also be reacting to the same sort of event that has not yet occurred, however, to his perception—that is, to an event in the future. For the mind does not divide time into a series of moments. This is done by the physical brain and the physical senses. The ego is not as a rule aware of this broader time experience. The subconscious however is so aware, and the associative processes of the mind can, and do, react to a future event, while the ego is closed off to it. Therefore it is possible for Frederick, this year, to become ill at the smell of a particular perfume because subconsciously he knows that in 1980 his mother will be wearing that perfume when she dies.

    The associative processes work both backwards and forwards. An understanding of this will help in a study of the associative processes in general.

  • Book 1
  • Book 2
  • Book 3
  • Book 5